Rfe August Waiter List


Registered Users (C)
USERNAME ------------ RFE Received by INS --------Approved?
SAMAD ----------- 7/18 ----------- 8/15
SUNNY ----------- 7/18 ----------- 8/14
DHAYAL ----------- 7/20 ----------- 8/14
CHINNA ----------- 7/22 ----------- 8/14
RFEWAITER ----------- 7/23 ----------- ?
BUNNY75 ----------- 7/23 ----------- 8/8
MICKEY ----------- 7/23 ----------- 8/8
BEKHABAR ----------- 7/24 ----------- 7/27
SANDEPG ----------- 8/6 ----------- ?
WAIT_485 ----------- 8/6 ----------- ?
MANTH ----------- 8/8 ----------- 8/20
RAJIV_SUBLOK ----------- 8/8 ----------- ?
AG49015 ----------- 8/13 ----------- 8/15
RRSUNNY ----------- 8/14 ----------- ?
AC21ORI140 ----------- 8/16 ----------- ?
HELPUSLORD ----------- 8/17 ----------- ?
WAITING_FOR_GC ----------- 8/17 ----------- ?
AG49015 ??

I am surprised that AG49015 got approved just 2 days after INS received his RFE reply. I wonder what his RFE was about since it got approved in just 2 days. My RFE reply was received by INS on the 17th August, still waiting.
Consolidated list

USERNAME ------------ RFE Received by INS --------Approved?

SAMAD ----------- 7/18 ----------- 8/15
SUNNY ----------- 7/18 ----------- 8/14
DHAYAL ----------- 7/20 ----------- 8/14
CHINNA ----------- 7/22 ----------- 8/14
RFEWAITER ----------- 7/23 ----------- ?
BUNNY75 ----------- 7/23 ----------- 8/8
MICKEY ----------- 7/23 ----------- 8/8
BEKHABAR ----------- 7/24 ----------- 7/27
SANDEPG ----------- 8/6 ----------- ?
WAIT_485 ----------- 8/6 ----------- ?
MANTH ----------- 8/8 ----------- 8/20
RAJIV_SUBLOK ----------- 8/8 ----------- ?
Rita Doshi-------------8/13--------------?
AG49015 ----------- 8/13 ----------- 8/15
RRSUNNY ----------- 8/14 ----------- ?
AC21ORI140 ----------- 8/16 ----------- ?
HELPUSLORD ----------- 8/17 ----------- ?
WAITING_FOR_GC ----------- 8/17 ----------- ?
**new*** recent approvals = USAUSA, SANDEPG and RFE06AUG - Congrats!!! Good luck to the rest!

Ideally you should all put this info in the Comments section of your immitracker posting so we would not have to mess with this stupid posting method - but something is better than nothing right??!!!
Please update the immitracker TOO!!!!

USERNAME ------------ RFE Received by INS --------Approved?
SAMAD ----------- 7/18 ----------- 8/15
SUNNY ----------- 7/18 ----------- 8/14
DHAYAL ----------- 7/20 ----------- 8/14
CHINNA ----------- 7/22 ----------- 8/14
RFEWAITER ----------- 7/23 ----------- ?
BUNNY75 ----------- 7/23 ----------- 8/8
MICKEY ----------- 7/23 ----------- 8/8
BEKHABAR ----------- 7/24 ----------- 7/27
SANDEPG ----------- 8/6 ----------- 8/22
WAIT_485 ----------- 8/6 ----------- ?
MANTH ----------- 8/8 ----------- 8/20
RAJIV_SUBLOK ----------- 8/13 ----------- ?
Rita Doshi-------------8/13--------------?
AG49015 ----------- 8/13 ----------- 8/15
RRSUNNY ----------- 8/14 ----------- ?
AC21ORI140 ----------- 8/16 ----------- ?
HELPUSLORD ----------- 8/17 ----------- ?
WAITING_FOR_GC ----------- 8/17 ----------- ?
CNBC ------------------8/22 ---------------?

Thank you WAITING_FOR_GC. Wish you good luck. Your day will come soon. RFEWAITER also got approved.
WAIT_485 is next in line this week. My Prophecy: The rest of us before labor day!!

Ideally you should all put this info in the Comments section of your immitracker posting so we would not have to mess with this stupid posting method - but something is better than nothing right??!!!
Please update the immitracker TOO!!!!

USERNAME ------------ RFE Received by INS --------Approved?
SAMAD ----------- 7/18 ----------- 8/15
SUNNY ----------- 7/18 ----------- 8/14
DHAYAL ----------- 7/20 ----------- 8/14
CHINNA ----------- 7/22 ----------- 8/14
RFEWAITER ----------- 7/23 ----------8/22
BUNNY75 ----------- 7/23 ----------- 8/8
MICKEY ----------- 7/23 ----------- 8/8
BEKHABAR ----------- 7/24 ----------- 7/27
SANDEPG ----------- 8/6 ----------- 8/22
WAIT_485 ----------- 8/6 ----------- ?
MANTH ----------- 8/8 ----------- 8/20
RAJIV_SUBLOK ----------- 8/13 ----------- ?
Rita Doshi-------------8/13--------------?
AG49015 ----------- 8/13 ----------- 8/15
RRSUNNY ----------- 8/14 ----------- ?
AC21ORI140 ----------- 8/16 ----------- ?
HELPUSLORD ----------- 8/17 ----------- ?
WAITING_FOR_GC ----------- 8/17 ----------- ?
CNBC ------------------8/22 ---------------?
ND=AUG 2000 ... is anybody there with no response ?

Hi my ND = Aug 1 2000 .
Heard nothing so far. Is there anybody else in the same boat ?
Pl help
No Title

I am next in line. Gosh I am going through hell. The employer wants to sack me in a week. I am begging him to keep me till my case is thorugh. I wish everyone luck.
Trying for a job like crazy. Cannot find one. EVen if I get my gc I will be happy. Probably take two months off and spend time with family. This past week especially was a killer.

From the bottom of my heart I wish everyone all the luck.
keep this thrad alive

I received a rfe for EAD,Issued on 08/21.
Do not know for what .But i will post asap .
1 more off this list today = Rajiv_Sublok - Congrats!

Ideally you should all put this info in the Comments section of your immitracker posting so we would not have to mess with this stupid posting method - but something is better than nothing right??!!!
Please update the immitracker TOO!!!!
USERNAME ------------ RFE Received by INS --------Approved?

RAJIV_SUBLOK ---- 7/17 ----------- 8/23
SAMAD ----------- 7/18 ----------- 8/15
SUNNY ----------- 7/18 ----------- 8/14
DHAYAL ----------- 7/20 ----------- 8/14
CHINNA ----------- 7/22 ----------- 8/14
RFEWAITER -------- 7/23 ----------8/22
BUNNY75 ----------- 7/23 ----------- 8/8
MICKEY ----------- 7/23 ----------- 8/8
BEKHABAR ----------- 7/24 ----------- 7/27
SANDEPG ----------- 8/6 ----------- 8/22
WAIT_485 ----------- 8/6 ----------- ?
MANTH ----------- 8/8 ----------- 8/20
Rita Doshi-------8/13--------------?
AG49015 ----------- 8/13 ----------- 8/15
RRSUNNY ----------- 8/14 ----------- ?
AC21ORI140 ----------- 8/16 ----------- ?
HELPUSLORD ----------- 8/17 ----------- ?
WAITING_FOR_GC ----------- 8/17 ----------- ?
CNBC ------------------8/22 ---------------?
RD&ND 6/2000 RFE Recived By INS - 7/20/2001 Still Waiting.

Called IIO last week he said the case is pending with the officer. What a big sucker ?.