RFE and officer assignment question


Registered Users (C)
Does the issuing of an RFE implicitly mean that the case was assigned to an officer? To know that there\'s more information needed, means to have read the file. Could this be a 2 step process where somebody does some kind of preliminary screening then somebody else adjudicates? I doubt that.
Does anyone here have more accurate knowledge about this?

One more question, how long has it taken lately for them to adjudicate an RFE case (from the time they received the RFE response)?
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My understanding is that it means nothing. It means that it WAS assigned to officer, but given that in some cases it takes monthes after RFE response for case to be adjudicated it could well mean that as soon as RFE is issued, the case is back on shelf. But sometimes it seems to stay on the table of that officer and is adjudicated swiftly.
weird ...

This is weird. They do say (IIO\'s that is) that it takes 2 to 8 weeks from the time the RFE reply is received which suggests that there\'s no such thing as reshelving or at least there is no such intention ...
... but the INS do work in mysterious ways :)

RFE guys, what was the longest wait period between receiving the RFE response and adjudication in the last months?
