RFE>60 days,2ndFP-cong.help-finallyAPPROVED>>>OFFICER #69


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To all who are waiting past RD of 2001, RFE > 60 days. had done 2ndFP...

I am not excited any more but great relief. GOD is great....
RD : June 2001
ND AUG 2001
RFE sent FEB 19th
RFE Ack for me MAR 12th 2004.
FP1 : DEC 20th
FP2 : APR 8th (went early)
RFE msg fro wife never acknowledge....
AFTER 60 days contacted congress man...(MAY 7th)
sent fax to officer # 69
sent status referral....

from congressman's reply came to know they havenot received my wife's RFE document(2 photo's) - also 12 weeks passed so might deny......
ACTUALLY - her photo's were sent in along my RFE document so looks like they updated my status but not her's.....scary.........
sent wife's 2nd pair of photo's by my self on may 13th.....

This forum is great......keep it up guys.....
any one with p stampng experience at hartford offiec?
what papers to carry?

Enjoy Finally...What a horible story for the photos lost in RFE...

Cool...Enjoy your freedom...

BaSh :D
Congrats TSC-RD-june2001

It's nice to see your approval which gives me some hope. My timeline is very similar to yours. RD 05/01, ND 08/01, 1st FP 11/02, 2nd FP 05/04. RFE from officer# 016 on 1/21/04, RFE ack'ed 0n 2/6/04. Still haven't heard anything so far.

I am thinking of contacting congressman now as my last resort. 1800 number is not helpful at all since we just did our 2nd FP and was told to wait for another 30 days after the FP to send a case status referral... Lawyer sent an inquiry 3 weeks ago, but didn't seem to help either. It seemed your congressman's office was really helpful, do you mind telling me how you made the contact? Thanks!

Congrats again and enjoy your long overdued freedom!!!

My file is still on #69 desk. I did everything I can but no result yet. this friday my RFE will be 2 month old.

I am glad to see guys approved after 2nd FP.

Good luck!
Just Contact Your Local Congressman.
You Can Get List By Visitng House Of Congress Website.
Just Search On Yahoo By Typing Congressman In Your State.
By Contacting Them Defenitely Helps
I Took Appointment - Be Humble N Kind And Request Them To Meet For

5 -10 Mins.
Hope This Helps...
I am in a very similar position (except the approval part :( )
RD: 7/3/01 ND: 8/3/01 1stFP: 11/02 2ndFP: 4/6/04
I put in a Status Inquiry on 4/23 and received a standard response "Still pending....". I recently contacted Senator Kay Hutchison's (R-TX) office and mailed my case details for them to follow up. It sure gives me hope to see there are some approvals after the 2nd FP. Keeping my fingers crossed...
Thank you for your reply, TSC-RD-june2001!

I called my local congressman's office yesterday. The lady seemed really familiar with I-485 issues and she sounded really kind. She asked me to send her all our detailed information and authorization for their office to access our information. So I faxed it to her last night and see if she could walk us to the end of this long, dark tunnel that we have been trapped for 3 years... Well also keep the folks who's on the same boat updated...
I have already contacted , my local congressman, two senators and all of them have intiated inquiry with TSC. Hope to get some info soon.

I will keep updated once i know somethinh.

Hi, Here is my case details.

RD - July 9, 2001
RFE - March 3,2004

TSC ACK RFE -- APRIL 7 ,2004

Got second FP and completed it on 4/27/2004.
I am in mid west, and we have a local DLEA office and the
FP's will routed through, Lincoln, NE INS. Our earlier FP's also done this way and TSC updated the FP status earlier.

Called FBI and they cofirmed that, they have sent back the results to Lincoln, NE on May 7 ,2004.
The online status still says, they received my RFE response on April 7 ,2004 etc.

Mean while faxed and maild a letter to officer 255 explaining about FP.
Contacted Local congressman office and they are also enquiring.
Today called 1-800 number and they took all the info to initiate an enquiry.

I am thinking, that after FP, they might be doing some kind of back groud checking, other wise it won't take this long.

Any thoughts??? appreciated.
Hi JulFl, officer 255 is usually fast in approviing, don't under stand why it is taking this long in your case.