Return to India after green card approval -a difft question

Ravi Mecheril

Registered Users (C)
I know this topic has been discussed in this forum a lot of times.In my
case both myself and my wife got our green card approval in oct 2001.Plastic card awaited.Due to some personal reasons my wife has to go to
India in june 2002 and has to stay there for 8-9 months.We have got a joint bank a/c and iam staying back here.Will she have any problem when she comes back. If we don\'t get the plastic card by may is it better to apply for reentry permit.Otherwise when she returns her stamp will be expired[if we don\'t get plastic card by that time].and another thing-Is the Reentry permit valid for multiple entry into can it be used any no of times in its validity or does it become invalid after we come back to U.S .for the first time in the reentry permit
thanks in advance
At least 182 days stay in the US.

What I read on the in order to maintain your Permanent Residence (GC) you have to be physically stayed in the US for at least 182 days per year.
Temporary GC validity.

The expiration of her tempGC was stamped on her passport. I beleive that she has to renew her tempGC if she is leaving the US w/o her GC.

About my first reply please verify.
Monetary benefits of US Citizenship?

I want to know what are benefits for US citizen in terms of retirement, old age that a person with Green card does not get?

Is there a difference in Medical benefits for old aged people with or without citizenship?
Joef - questions to you...

If someone stays over 180 days outside US where should he/she apply for the re-entry permit? At the Port of entry?
 What are the grounds of inadmisibility? What are the things they would verify for inadmissibility if the person stays over 180 days?
Thanks to JOEF and others for your prompt reply

If she gets the plastic card before leaving U.S. will she have any problem at port of entry provided I continue to stay here and she has a bank a/c ,if she comes back after 8-9 months.Please clarify that point too.If anyone has had the same experience please share it.
2.If we apply for reentry permit should we apply it through a lawyer or just file I131 ourselves.Also can we leave U.S.after applying before INS sanctions it.Can we apply it in india if the plastic card is not received till oct 2002ie when the I551 in her passport expires.
Going to India after 2yrs after having got GC

I am planning to go to India for 1 year( with my 2 kids) due to personal reason and having got my GC it has been 2 years since and am wondering as to what are the procedures that I need to do before I leave the country and secondly how will it effect my citizenship( when I apply when I am back after a year)My husband will be in the country and we have a house here. Please anyone has been in this situation can voice their opinion in this case.
Thanks in advance.
To clarify two more points

Should she apply for reentry permit before leaving U.S and if so should she wait till it is approved?
2.can she apply it in india if we don\'t get the plastic card till sept 2002[we stamped our passport in oct 2001].
3.Does having a house here improve your chances of retaining GC.Now we are staying in a rented apartment.
Thanks JoeF for all your advices.Please clarify these also
To clarify 2 more points

Posted By: rmecheril 3/16/02 3:45 PM
(#13 of 13)
Should she apply for reentry permit before leaving U.S and if so should she wait till it is approved?
2.can she apply it in india if we don\'t get the plastic card till sept 2002[we stamped our passport in oct 2001].
3.Does having a house here improve your chances of retaining GC.Now we are staying in a rented apartment.
Thanks to JOEF for all your advices

The best solution for your problem would be to come for a short
trip back to US before six months even if the trip was for just
a week.(Joef posts are right!)

For Citizenship :
1.You need to have physically resided in US for 30 months in
  the last five years.
2. You should not have stayed outside US for more than six
   months on any trip(any trip and not in a year).

You have already live in US for 24 months according to your
post. So don\'t stay outside US for more than six months at a

By applying for return permit you loose the 24 months of
physical residance and you need to come back and show proof
of 30 months physical residance in the five years after you
return from your trip..

Hope that helped.
Thank you for all your suggestions

Your suggestions have helped me to put things in perspective.This forum has helped me a lot in the last one yr.thanks especially to Joe F for your valuable advice
us_indian. If one doesn\'t care for citizenship, can he/she stay outside US for upto 1 year without

Thanks in advance
I\'m new in this board..

I\'m new here so can somebody tell me what is re-entry permit and how long it takes? Advantages Disadvantages?
How can we show the proof of residence when we are abroad? Does the proof of residence has to be shown even if we return back within 6 months. Can I show my brother\'s residence as my residence is US?

I am curious to know all these as I\'m exploring the option to work
in India while maintaining my GC. Any tips ?

I recently got my GC approval but my spouse case is still pending..
Thanks in advance,

No problem, You can come back anytime within one year.I know
more than a dozen people who have done that. But make sure you
dont forget to file taxes.

My uncle comes to US and stays here for a month every year.
He has been doing that for 20 years without a problem.My close
friend went back to India like 14 months back and came last
month on business trip and filed taxes. He did not have a
problem but that is kind of risky.Anything less than one year
is no problem.
us_indian - thanks for your prompt reply. More question..

1. Does your uncle maintain a residence here? Or how does he prove his residency here?
2. Did your friend stay more than a year with out re -entry permit.
Thanks in advance..
No Title


1. No he does not own a home or any property in US.He files his taxes.
2. My friend did not apply of re-entry permit but was lucky to be
   let in after one year.
   That is risky.If one can afford to and is desperate than,it is
   better to come to US every year and stay for a couple of months
   and stay outside for like 10 months in a year.


   Anything less than one year is not a problem.GC\'s are issued
to millionaires all over the world based on there money.US wants
them to be GC holders and let them come here once a year. If the
rules are strict those people will give up there GC and US does
not want that to happen. So they cannot change that rule and the
same rule applies to every GC holder.It will defenitely help if
the GC holders have invested in 401k and have other money invested
in US.