Response from Senator


Registered Users (C)
I have conacted the Senators. But no response so far. How long does it take to respond? Has anyone got a response from Senators? Do they call you or send a letter? Does USCIS respond faster? If they do then do they send a letter? Does USCIS send to candidate or to Senator?

Please share your experiences.
longGC Buddy:

i paid a lot attention to your case since it happened, i did not have that kind experience and do not know how to help you, those are my input:

1. 2004 is election year, even we cannot vote, but they still care immigration and related issues much more than before, so i believe they will answer you and help you.

2. both democratics and republicans HAD totally different opinoin about immigration, democratics has tradition to support immigration, but this year it seems president bush started to pursue the largest immigration plan since 1980. i mean it may be good idea if you can contact both democratics and republican senators

3. NEVER GIVE UP! i run out 6 years h1b for two L.C., i almost packaged my stuff and went home, then there was new regulation on h1b visa extending to 7 years if L.C. approved, so i could stay the states to keep processing my i-140 and i-485, i was on the bad edge like you do now.

you will be fine, good luck! we will hear good news from you :)
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Originally posted by longGC
I have conacted the Senators. But no response so far. How long does it take to respond? Has anyone got a response from Senators? Do they call you or send a letter? Does USCIS respond faster? If they do then do they send a letter? Does USCIS send to candidate or to Senator?

Please share your experiences.

LongGC, I am quoting from another thread --

"Basically, every congressman/senator will have a point person in their local office who assists people on immigration matters. You can call up your local congressman/senator (try only one initially) and tell them you need assistance with immigration service. They will direct your call to the point person who will work with you to get your details. You will need to send them your 485 receipts/FP receipts etc. Mostly they will do a case referral. Also, there is a dedicated congressional laisonal officer in every service center who answers queries from any congressman's office. This case referral will go to that person. This officer will than get back to your congressman's office and they will (hopefully) get back to you. Usually the congressman won't intervene personally unless you can convice the office of great humanitarian need or other special case."

Post any furthur clarifications you need. Also I posted links to senators/congressmen from immigration subcommittee in another thread started by you.

They typically take anywhere from 1 - 2 months to respond. Of course if you live in Dallas you can drive over to the office and ask them. Or you can call the office and tell them that your case has been pending with the Senator's office and that you are following up on it and want to talk to someone in person. This way atleast you can converse with a live person.
Usually, give it around 3 weeks to hear back from your senator's office. You don't wanna bug them too much. If no reply after 3 weeks, contact the person handling your case (whoever you send your paperwork). If your case is beyond the published processing dates, contacting these guys will be helpful. If you just want your case to be handled out of turn, that might not happen. If you think you are not getting anywhere with your point person, ask for an appointment with the senator. I doubt if you will get it, but you never know.
Thanks to Jilag1, C++ and tr22.

I have already comepleted 3 weeks. And the contact person at Senator office is asking me to wait. They say that they can raise only one inquiry in a 30 day period.

PD 01/98
RD May 25/01
ND July 02/01
FP Apr 03
I am in Dallas. I contacted congressman Pete Session's office. His INS contact person was very helpful, although she was a little bit hesitate to contact INS at the beginning. I started conact with Pete Session's office in Nov. 2003. At that time, my waiting time exceeded 1000 days. She helped me to get the second finger print notices for both my wife and myself. We got our finger prints done in the first week of January in 2004. After that, that contact person asked me to wait for a month to let texas center process our finger prints. As most people on this forum know, TSC did no thing to our cases in January. I contacted her again in the middle of Feburary and she made contact again to TSC. Ten days later on March 2, 2004, our cases were finally approved. I really believe she helped to push my case. During my whole waiting period before Jan 2004, I only received one finger print notice from TSC shortly after filing 485. My status was nevered changed during the waiting period even after the second finger prints were taken.

I also contacted Senator Hutchison's office in Nov. 2003. Her office was extremely slow. When I contacted them again in Jan 2004, they told me they just put my case in their computers and had no idea when my case would be picked up by any staff to contact TSC.

In my opinion, contacting TSC directly is useless. I opened one inquiry after my waiting time exceeded 1000 days ( before 1000 days, TSC won't even allow you to open an inquiry). I received a response after 3 weeks. On that response, it still printed the same crap -- " we are still processing your case, blah , blah, it will take 900 to 999 days, blah, blah".

BTW, I forgot to mention, usually congressman or senator won't take your case if your 485 filing time is still later than official processing time. However if your filing time passes official time, those office will be very helpful. They usually have dedicated personnel to handle immigration cases and they have hotlines to the center. INS also has dedicated internal staff with job title "congressional liaison" (something like that) to deal with cases raised by those offices.

The following is some of my detail.

Priority date: Oct ??, 1999 (RIR, EB2, China)
I-140: July ???, 2000
I-485: ND 2/8/2001
First FP: 5/?/2001
Second FR: 1/5/2004
Approved: 3/2/2004
I heard back from my congressman's office in 3 business days, then got another update within a week from that day. I think it helps if you go there in person and meet the staffers.

Your location shows Toronto. Which congressional office did you visit? Whom did you talk to?
Yes, my location shows Toronto, but that's not correct (long story..). Anyhow, I live in North Carolina, and I visited the office of my local congressman Brad Miller (D-NC). Went in person, spoke to one of the staffers, who took my info and referred me to another that ultimately dealt with USCIS. Every time she made an inquiry I would get a phone call or a letter updating me on the progress.

They were great, and have done a tremendous job. I'm making an effort to lobby every friend/acquanitance of mine who's a US citizen that lives in this district to vote for him and get him re-elected.
My experience so far has been good with Congressman. There are only 2 Senators per state but Congressman are many depending on number of districts. So Congressman's office has more resources. In my case, TSC responded to Congressman's e-mail faster than Senator's request.