Resident with no citizenship - curious!


Registered Users (C)
Ok, here is a challenging question! I am a permanent resident since 04/2001 (well, still no card, but it is irrelevant here). The country I used to be a citizen of when I came to USA does not exist any more,
broken into several independent states. My passport expired long ago(but was stamped and restamped). So, I am a countryless person now. The place where I was born and used to live belongs to a different state now - but I do not even speak the official language of it, wrong nationality (actually, my blood is very mixed) - so, the new country is quite alien to me. All my family is in the USA now, no relatives left there. All the states my former country has broken into are just as alien to me as any foreign country now. But I am supposed to be a citizen of some entity, am I not? Can I choose a country, or am I forced to accept the citizenship of the state on the territory I used to live? Can I get the USA citizenship now to fill the void? Anyone knows about a similar situation?

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No, You do not need to be a citizen of any country. I did not have any citizenship for 3 yrs some time ago.

I came to Canada without any citizenship (a communist regime stripped me of the citizenship of my native country just for the fact that I left). Canada has issued me some identification papers for travel purposes. After the regular wait (3 yrs in Canada), I became a Canadian citizen. Funny enough a year after that my old native country gave me my original citizenship back (the communists were out of power). Now, I have two citizenships.

Good luck!
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I traveled with a special identification document issued by the Canadian government. It just said that I am that and that person, born in such and such city and country but do not have any citizenship.

Anyway, since you have your resident status here and a GC card you have to travel with that to the US. So do not worry.
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Thanks, Marta. But I do not think I can travel outside of the US with
a green card only. How would I get a visa?

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Although your passport has expired, you most likely remain a permanent resident of the country where you lived before. You can contact their embassy and get a passport. At least that\'s what I did.

Just my 2 cents from PR of one of the postsoviet countries.
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Yes I can, but I do not want to, as I explained in my first post.
This is not the country I lived before.

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I\'m afraid the "white" passport can be issued only to refugees/asylees. The reason behind it is that it\'s impossible for them to obtain their national passport. Here we have a "don\'t want to" issue.
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Thanks, Joe. But it mostly for people denied passport.
I, however, was not. But can I choose in my situation?
