Residency Requirement After Naturalization


Registered Users (C)
Ok, here's the story: me and one of my weekend poker buddies got into a debate. He said that there's a US law that stated a naturalized citizen has to reside in the US at least a year after naturalization. I believe he is wrong. I read here that the law was repealed a few years back. Am I right? I just want to confirm with the gurus in this forum.
That law was definitely repealed quite a few years back. You could probably google the exact date if its important.
Thanks boatbod. We were just talking, and the topic of immigration came up. Since my buddy works for a gov't agency, he felt that he knows everything about US laws.
Yeah...that law was repealed long time some point during the Clinton's administration. So, you are right :)

Here is more info for you:

On 25 October 1994, President Clinton signed Public Law 103-416 (108 Stat. 4305), the "Immigration and Nationality Technical Corrections Act of 1994". This bill made several changes to the laws pertaining to naturalization.

One item that was changed:

The law had previously stated that a newly naturalized US citizen who, within one year following his naturalization, abandoned his US residence and set up a permanent residence outside the US (whether in his country of origin, or in any other country) was presumed to have misrepresented his intentions regarding permanent residence on his citizenship application (though this presumption could be overcome by appropriate evidence to the contrary), and on this basis could have his US citizenship cancelled retroactively. This provision was repealed.
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