Residence address while temporary absences abroad


Registered Users (C)
I need an answer about the residence for the last 5 years(part 6 A of the N-400 application). I have had frequent trips abroad, but with 4 trips of approx 3 months each(none of them back to back). I am not sure what residence address to provide during the period of my absence from USA, since I have never broken the continuous resdience requirement, and have had ties(appartment lease, job, etc) in USA.

I would prefer to state my US address during those periods, since my absences were temporary in nature. Would it be wrong to do that? I need your opinion/suggestion/correction in this matter.

If these trips were temporary and you used your US residence for all main correspondence, then use US address.
Thanks Bobsmith, that clears a lot of headache regarding address. 24 rows in the table for residences reduced to 8 now!
you need to keep in mind (always) that you live in USA and you go overseas for a temporary period. So your US adress should always prevail.