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Rescheduling your interview.


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Hi guys i would like to reschedule my interview to a later date. I got my package yesterday and my interview is on October 2, 2007.

I want to make it later primarily because assuming it is approved on the day i will have to travel before April 2, 2008 (6 mths) and i dont want to leave Australia until early or mid May 2008.

It will also be difficult (but not impossible) for me to get my police check and other documents in the next 2 weeks, although i will start today it says at least 15 days to get the results of a police check.

I plan to call to consulate in Sydney tomorrow but my main question is, will my chances of getting a visa be significantly reduced if i push my interview back till early november?

Also is the consulate generally happy to reschedule or is it only for extrodinary cercumstances like a death in the family or something like that?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Hi guys i would like to reschedule my interview to a later date. I got my package yesterday and my interview is on October 2, 2007.

I want to make it later primarily because assuming it is approved on the day i will have to travel before April 2, 2008 (6 mths) and i dont want to leave Australia until early or mid May 2008.

It will also be difficult (but not impossible) for me to get my police check and other documents in the next 2 weeks, although i will start today it says at least 15 days to get the results of a police check.

I plan to call to consulate in Sydney tomorrow but my main question is, will my chances of getting a visa be significantly reduced if i push my interview back till early november?

Also is the consulate generally happy to reschedule or is it only for extrodinary cercumstances like a death in the family or something like that?

Any advice would be appreciated.

You can actually postpone your interview for any reason [oops I have a golf game:D ].
No guarantee that you will get interviewed in November [if their schedule is full; you may have to wait till later].
You should still get a visa; doubt if all Aussie dv visas would have been used up by November.
Plan B: Go for your interview in October and if you have no other issues, the visa officer will allow you to submit the outstanding documents later, and probably issue you a visa just in time for November.
You can actually postpone your interview for any reason [oops I have a golf game:D ].
No guarantee that you will get interviewed in November [if their schedule is full; you may have to wait till later].
You should still get a visa; doubt if all Aussie dv visas would have been used up by November.
Plan B: Go for your interview in October and if you have no other issues, the visa officer will allow you to submit the outstanding documents later, and probably issue you a visa just in time for November.

Plant B sounds great. Furthermore you may even tell them your tactics. I think it does make much sense to get a visa that wouldn't expire before you use and they know that.
This is the reply from the consulate in Sydney:

As we will not be able to access our DV2008 applications until October 1, please send this email again on that date. In the meantime please refer to the following:

FOR DV APPLICANTS: An immigrant visa number is available for your use within the month of October 2007, the reason your appointment was scheduled for that month. If you do not keep this appointment or have your visa issued within that month, your visa number will be returned to Washington, D.C. for reallocation.

o You have requested a postponement of your DV appointment to another month. To accommodate this request, we must return your visa number, which was received for your use in the month of your scheduled appointment. We cannot guarantee that a visa number will be available for your use within the month you wish to be interviewed.
o If you do not have all applicable documents on the day of your interview to issue your visa, your visa number will be returned at the end of that month. When all pending documents are received in this office from you, a new number must be requested for you. We cannot guarantee that a visa number will be available for your use at that time.
o All DV programs end/close on the last work day of September or earlier if the quota of visa numbers is used up earlier than September. If you still wish to postpone your appointment, please advise us so and we’ll request new visa numbers for your use within the month you nominate. Upon receipt of new numbers, your current appointment date will be cancelled, a new appointment date will be scheduled and the advice mailed to you. If a visa number will not be available, you will be advised.

That really sux because i just called the police station to make an appointment for my fingerprint check an the earliest appointment in October 24. I bet apec caused a backlog for them. So after the 2 weeks turnaround for that i won't be able to get all the documents by the end of October.
I'll have to call tomorrow and beg for an earlier appointment.

So seems like if i ask for a new number i'll be put at the end of the line, which for Australia may simply be December or January, which would be ok.

But it could also easliy be a hugh number that will never become current :(
This is the reply from the consulate in Sydney:

That really sux because i just called the police station to make an appointment for my fingerprint check an the earliest appointment in October 24. I bet apec caused a backlog for them. So after the 2 weeks turnaround for that i won't be able to get all the documents by the end of October.
I'll have to call tomorrow and beg for an earlier appointment.

So seems like if i ask for a new number i'll be put at the end of the line, which for Australia may simply be December or January, which would be ok.

But it could also easliy be a hugh number that will never become current :(

They are talking about visa numbers, not your rank number. If your rank number is current in October, it will be current for the rest of the year, unless the rank numbers retrogress (unlikely for DV visas). As per the instructions in the notification letter, you should have made arrangements to get police certificates and the like as soon as you got your first notification letter (probably around April). In any case, you should double check, but I don't think Australia ever used anywhere near 7% of available DV visas. Therefore, the likelihood of no visa numbers being available in November or December is probably quite low. So, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Also, keep in mind that the visa is valid 6 months from issue OR 1 year from your medical, whichever comes first!
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Thanks for that great advice bahadur007, that sounds a lot more promosing. In relation to the police check in my package, probably specifc to the OC it says 'do not get your police check until you have an interview date'.

I also suspect the delay is due to apac creating a backlog of processing, but i'll talk to some friends with the AFP and try to streamline it.

Thanks again.
Hi, has any one one got his second letter from nigeria.

NL 12xx.


Tolu, when you desire answer to this kind of question always check the Nigerian thread. Someone has gotten his on the 14th. His CN read AFxx163.
The same problem

I have the same problem with changing the appointment date.
Actually, my interview date in on October and for a serious reason I want to change it to December. When I contact embassy to reschedule my appointment their response is made me confused. I don’t know if they agree with changing or not. This is the answer of them:

Please contact us by e-mail or phone in November for rescheduling your visa appointment to December. Right now, we can not make rescheduling for three months later.

What should I do?