rescheduling citizenship interview


New Member
My citizenship interview is scheduled in early Sept. at INS office in Oakland. But I have to postpone as I'm leaving to India in Aug . If I have to reschedule, how long does it take to get the new appointment?
Can you share your experiences in this situation?

Don't even think of rescheduling....unless emergency which is holding you back

One of my friends had her recheduled and the next one she got was after exactly 192 days. I am not sure what situation you are in but I would advise you to go by their schedule unless it;s some kind of emergency that you are having in India!

She had to call atleast 6-7 times and 2-3 infopass appointments before she finally got her new interview date....
You must be only teasing us...

On which planet do you live? :)

You are not re-scheduling your spa appointment, but very serious and hard to get interview with USCIS. Do you know how many people are waiting here for their interview? Do you know how hard is to get USCIS bureacracy to do anything?

I would ONLY re-schedule this interview if it was MAJOR emergency - like somebody's life was dependent on it, urgency life-treatening surgery etc. In my opinion, any work-related activity can be arranged, worked-around and even postponed. Certainly, any vacation related activities....Family visits can wait a little bit....Typically, you recieve enough advance notice from INS.

It is your call - do you like more hussle with citizenship for the benefit of "convinent" scheduling?

Think very carefully about this one.

My two cents...

Good luck to you either way!

P.S.: I'm not a lawyer. I'm not an immigration expert. This is not a legal advice. I'm just an ordinary guy and you are responsible for the actions you take.
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I am with u Superstring, they wait a long time 4 the app date and when recv'd deside to change 4 another day, I suggest u postpone flight do interview then free to roam the world....Good Luck :)