Rescheduling Citizenship Interview - experiences? opinions?


New Member
My interview date came sooner than expected (October 18th - about 2-1/2 months from priority date). Unfortunately after the fingerprinting (Aug 29th) I had to go out of the country due to a family emergency. I sent INS a letter stating I will be out of the country for 3 months - however they still scheduled me for an interview during that time. It is possible that the letters must have crossed each other.

I would like to get any comments on rescheduling the interview date - i.e. is it a good idea to do it? If so what is the best way to do it to make sure they get the info.


If I were you, I'd be tempted to spring for a return ticket back home to attend the interview. Once you get off the "fast track", it appears that you no longer count towards the "backlog" metric that they have incentives to meet. It's very easy to get into the "we'll get to that when we get to it" pile.

In my case, they "descheduled" my May 5th interview because of processing error on their part. It took a Senator's intervention to get it rescheduled for the end of next month.
I know it is possible to reschedule an interview. However, I would not recommend it. If you can return to the U.S. in time, by all means do it. If is impossible for you at this time, then do what you must and reschedule the interview. I do know of some who have gotten it rescheduled and were able to attend the interview at a later date upon returning to the U.S., but then again there is that possibility that your case may be even more delayed and If you are willing to put with it then go ahead, it’s all up to you, but I would not reschedule anything with USCIS.
If I were you, I would not reschedule it as the others say. You might wait for a long time for another interview.
My two cents - it is FINE to re-schedule the interview. I had to do mine because my wife was pregnant and her due date was too close to the interivew. I wrote a letter to the DO and told them I would like to postpone the interview by a month. They came back, acknowledged the receipt of my letter and send me back a new letter with an interivew date exactly a month later. Clearly, the interivew is important but there are other important things in life too and the immigration folks are not unreasonable - they will gladly accomodate requests for postponement in emergency situations.
swadhwani: Sorry - what do you mean by "DO"? In the actual form they ask to send the interview letter form back to the USCIS office. Did you do that and then write the letter to the office?
Do it only if you need to !!!

Yes. District office will accomodate your request but do write a proper letter to explain your issue and give a accurate date when it can be re-scheduled.

If you can make the original date ...GREAT.

Rescheduling Citizenship Interview - questions

swadhwani: How long did you wait before you heard back from the USCIS District Office regarding your rescheduled interview date? I sent them a letter with return receipt requested - my friend sent it - and have not heard back from them. It has been about 2 and a half weeks. I know that they received the letter.

Maybe I am being too concerned? Regardless I feel like maybe I should have attempted to come back and have the interview 'over with'.

Thanks in advance for your response!
