Request to forum members.

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Registered Users (C)
Guys and Gals, I feel angry when people make disparaging remarks about "Silent browsers". The popularity of this forum is because it is our only window into the dark and murky world called INS. Becoming a "senior member" by criticising other forum members does not really mean anything. If we continue bitching and hurting other people's feelings, even these so called "silent browsers" would stop telling us when they got their approvals, which would really hurt the info sharing process. Lets not make this a "old boys" " senior members only" forum.

ND 11/19/2001
FP 3/25/2003

We have done all the work and posted info for the past few years and these silent browsers have sucked up all of this information and contributed nothing until now!
I think...we should do what we have to do and what we want to do..u cannot expect the same enthusiasm and interest from just respond as much as u want/can....then forget it..

All the time spent here is I think u cannot expect other persons to volunteer as u chose to..

Now dont hate me for writing this..

I got approved a week ago..surprisingly I am still here answering questions and taking part in debates..:) that's what I chose to do...

I agree with ramanathansunda, please dont keep adding disparaging remarks against silent browsers. They should come forward to contribute/volunteer/ offer information on their own will. You can implore, dont vent your frustration against USCIS towards the lurkers.
Despite popular belief we do get by with the amount of volunteers we ge, although more wont hurt.
A user decides to volunteer/contribute only when there is a sense of responsibility as a wannabe immigrant (or non immigrant). You cannot instill this responsibility by baiting.

I will close this thread if there is no objection.
silent browser

I can understand SydneyRacquelle's frustration. It doesn't hurt sharing your information from day one.

My policy is "it's better late than never". So whether you are silent browser or not, please share your info. We all are trying to get through this.

Good Luck to all.
I agree.

Most people are silent visitors.

Some of them are like minee who ask questions and try to find a channel to reduce the frustration. I am as useless as any other visitor.
Why be resentful?

Not everyone wants to contribute. I don't have a problem with that. There are enough people sharing ideas here to get the job done. More could be better, but it's not necessary. Live and let live.
I was called a silent browser when I posted my approval yesterday. Very disheartening.
Come on... not everyone's a Senior Member. Some of us just started late on this forum.

Don't shower on my parade !!!
let's put out a message at the top of this subforum to ask the silent viewers who recently got approved to help out with a scan of 1000 src numbers. before they come forward and express their happyness.
what do you guys think?
if no one objects, then let's ask goastros to design that message.

It would still be voluntary, of course.
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Personally I don't mind people coming here to get information without contributing. You know, this is Internet and Information Age :D People can choose to participate or just stand by watching, though I would encourage more sharing. To the silent browsers, don't take it too seriously when others have some words for you. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions. I am still coming back everyday after my approval last week, don't know why :rolleyes:
I agree with w8nc " Live and let live". If you are a senior member feel good about all your contribution and help you have provided to so many in need but try not hurt or insult the silent visitors as postings on this forum are completely voluntary.
I am very surprised that people, who's first and only post here is about their approval feel offended to be called silent browsers.

It is just a remark for encouraging more people to participate.

While it is not required to share anything to be part of this board, it feels really good to be an active contributing member.

Everybody reading out there, just get an ID and start sharing, you'll see what I mean.
I still believe that a silent browser posting information about his/her status once in a while is providing valuable information than some of these so called "Senior Member" who do nothing but rant and fill the board with tons of unnecessary messages using cliches.
it pains..


It pains me to see a dichotomy between "seniors" and "juniors." It is OK to vent out one's frustrations, once in a while. Let that not vitiate an atmosphere, where, all of us are already overburdened by failed hopes and harrowing frustrations. Let us take it easy and move on. Smile! :)

I like and applaud the spirit of your message. Personally, I don't get offended easily, but I do understand we need to be sensitive to the feelings of others. So I also don't really care for all the smart as$ making rude comments to all the so-called "silent browsers".

This forum is a public forum. The cry babies that feel that people not posting comments are cheating them of something, should go form their own website, and control the membership to their own elite.

I do enjoy this website, and while I've learned from it, I come here more to see people's experiences than anything else. While everyone's contribution is valuable, we don't want to start talking about the people doing the "real" contribution, or we'd be limited to about four individuals (not me of course).

Regarding those demanding people scan worksheets, etc, people need to start doing things selflessly. Anything you do in this website is entirely voluntary. If it ticks you off that others "take advantage" of your work, then don't do it!! Don't get me wrong, it's perfectly ok to ask for volunteers, but don't "demand" anything.

So to all the "silent browsers" that post their approvals here's a cold one for you. Knowing that you are being approved, and that the TSC is making progress is extremely valuable to me! Thanks for sharing...
Hi ramanathansunda - Look at what you did!! At this rate of posting in this thread, pretty soon everyone is going to be a "Senior Member"!! ;)

Just curious ... what triggered this post? :)


:cool: :cool:

RD: FEB 2002
2ND FP: MAY 2003
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What would you call me :- Silent Browser, Active Browser or what ?

What is the diffrence between this terms ?

I am very confused. Please help me

TSC is very confusing - now TSC forum is becoming confusing too

I think you should give the name of the gals and guys or provide us a link from those that wrote disparaging remarks about "Silent browsers".

I recently did some remarks regarding “silent browsers because they are being approved faster than us "The Complainers".
It was just a comparison but some people got it all wrong, please read all my post before making any judgement

I do not know if I offended someone.
If I did, I apologize for it.

Anyway the best way to commiserate this thread is voting so, members be my guest
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