Request to all forum members


Registered Users (C)
Dear Applicants,

Every day people are coming to this site for exchanging their views, looking for answers, sharing their frustration, bashing each other (Not that many) etc.,

We already saw gurus like dengdeng, sai-2367, edison, vijayrc, cinta, dsatish …… and others helping us to find resolution and also sharing our frustration. In this forum every day atleast thousands of messages are going back and forth. This is all happening because people wants to help others.

Like every body we have immigration sad stories. We already saw, lot of 2001 applicants waiting with out any correspondence from VSC, Applicants taking the burden of Attorney and VSC mistakes, don’t know how to correct a problem, no proper direct communication etc.,

If we leave the system like this, it will continue.

Today we are at juncture to decide whether we want to continue the system like this or do whatever we can to improve the system. (We can try atleast).

There are two types of people coming to this forum

People with approved GC

1) Feel it as a moral responsibility to do this.
2) We need to stand in front, in terms of collecting money, suggestions, coordinating events etc.,
3) Help others.
4) You don’t have to work 24 hours a day for this. Periodically come and check the progress.

People waiting for GC

1) Your active participation is greatly appreciated.
2) Don’t away as soon as you are approved.
3) This is our fight. Stick with it until we don’t have any option.

As you already saw we put up a poll to collect your opinion. Feel it as your responsibility to vote and share your knowledge. I think every day there will be atleast 2000 people coming to this site. Out of that we have so far 41 guys shown interest. This is really shame on us. Wake up.

I don’t say what ever we are doing, will change the attitude of BCIS towards us, but definitely brings some of our problems to the light. Remember this is only starting.

Let us get together and bring this movement of freedom forward.