Request to All : Call IIO/Check AVM.

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Registered Users (C)
Hi All,
This is just a theory but I think If all of us called IIO or even checked the AVM, we might be able to get more good news on the processing times. I guess a lot of people are just plain tired of calling and getting the same old message.
We could all post back on this thread if some more approvals have come thru, especially for the wac < 02-050 group.
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Talked to IIO

Talked to IIO. She gave me the usual "processing july cases routine ..
Silly Question....

but is it necessary to call up the IIO so that he/she expedites in taking up your case? In other words, is it possible that if I never call up the IIO, my case will just be "lying on the shelf"? I am a waiter for more than 260 days after my ND, on the 02 series. I know that this does not make sense... but this is my observation.(???):confused:
I just wanted to make sure that

potentially good news like case assigned can be got from IIO also AVm changes can be be found out and reported here, Even I dont think calling IIO helps, maybefax inquiries from lawyer do.
Processing Resumed

WAC 02 133 > Checked AVM today > FP received and processing resumed for self and wife. Though we did my FP on March, my AVM got changed only today!
Same song for the tird month, WAC-02-041...

On April 3rd, the results of your fingerprints... Process resumed.

My processing resumed song has been playing for 7 months now. This is sickening. How long are FP's valid for?
Same here Silly Man .. Processing resumed from 02/01... It is so frustrating to hear the same old message again & again...
Just checked with the IIO...

... and he was pretty friendly.. talked for around 5 minutes about the weather and India-Pakistan and Middle-East crisis and the miners who got rescued.

However the useful info he have me was - "your FP is done, Case Pending.. its a November 02 ND case.. my report says we are processing July 01 cases. .. May take another 4 months..:confused: :mad: :( ... check back after that period...Just hang in there..."

I dont know whether I should have even called up to get this same old sick info...

I guess we October/November people are the step children of INS. I know someone who filed in September, and got her approval in March, along with her whole family. So I should have gotten mine in May .. right? Yea right !! August and counting .. !!
I am also in the same boat

Hearing same message for last 6 months:
Processing resumed from Feb 1, 2002.....

Originally posted by rd1101
Same here Silly Man .. Processing resumed from 02/01... It is so frustrating to hear the same old message again & again...
WAC 02 guys.....pls be patient

Let us not yell out and show our feelings yet....
there are several september guys still waiting for approval (like PCee)....we should respect their 'seniority' is okay to post messages.....but i think we should hang on more patiently....
i am not trying to pin doen anybody...and i am really sorry if i had by any chance.....

i thnik we should all hope that approvals come in a sequence...and should be more worried if it is at random....

Thanks for your 2 cents

Sequence or no Sequence, the approval rate has slowed down terribly. I find it hard to beleive that this slowdown is unreal, yes there is definitely an approval slowdown from INS. It's not because of people not posting their approvals, it is because of people not getting approved anymore.

I do want people who filed before me to get their approvals before me .. (and vice versa) but more than that .. I want all of us (the deserving ones alteast) to get speedy and timely approvals. I feel it is unfair to waste these precious years of my life waiting for something I very rightly deserve.

And no one getting approvals currently worries me way more than out of sequence does. I have friends who filed labor 1.5 years back and are still waiting. Is 485 going the same way?

Honestly ... things are not lookin' good. Unless we see previous speeds restored very soon (I mean like today would be good), you can assume safely something really bad is cooking up.

Anxiously waiting for more posted approvals, and the next JIT moving forward a bit. Good luck all.
wac 02 approval

I am hearing this processing resumed since last 7 months,

Let's hope the month of August will bring good news for all

oct/nov RD/ND "wac '02 waiters. & It's going to be festival time

for all of them.
Case Assigned

Spoke to IIO. Case assigned 6/27.

RD 09/27/2001
ND 10/01/2001

Hopefully something should come through in the next couple of weeks.

My mailing date was 10th oct and RD 11th Nov. FP done end of March. San Jose.

The damn AVM has been saying 999 days since the beginning. Frankly sick and tried of hearing it. Called the IIO today and got the "we are right now processing July cases...." Felt my BP start to rise, so said thank you and hung up.

Goooooooooood........... get this thing going..................
checked AVM could not get IIO...

same 975..999 message, hope lawyer's fax inquiry had some effect.
Talked to IIO on 07/30 at 4:15PST

FP : Feb 8
Case assigned : June 27 long after case assigned? Already been more than 4 weeks.