Request for fellow portal members


Registered Users (C)
Hello all,

May i suggest that we limit our congratulations in the open forum to our fellow members who got their approval to 3 days? It is somewhat confusing to see old threads pop up because someone saw an approval and wanted to congratulate the approved person. It may be done as a private message after 3 days.
While it is a very nice gesture to congratulate others on happy occasions such as this (sometimes even having pride in being the first to do so) , it may be best if we limit public "on the forum" congratulations to 3 days. This is my suggestion. If the majority feels that we should continue to do what we do now, i guess the rest of us will have to put up with this. Any thoughts?

thats bullshit

someone like pcee or sillyman deserves congrats
even after 3 days.

wonder if someone can pick that thread and send
another congrats down the thread
Applogies for the crime, but after being on this board for quite some time, it so happens that other people's lives and pleasures are intermingled with my own. So it is difficult not to feel happy for LindaMac or PCee, and the others when they get approved. And congratulating them is just a natural extension of that feeling.

Interestingly if you search the archives, I had once posted a similar post about not bringing up dead threads and PCee had protested against my post and explained the above to me.

Again I applogise for bringing those dead threads up, but I wouldn't stop from congratulating someone just because the appropriate time for the same, has already elapsed.
how about single thread for second fingerprint notice

I think the current situation is special because it's just after holidays, so I don't care.

By the way,
about 50% of new threads seem to be related to "Second Fingerprint Notice".
About a half year ago, we had experienced the similar phenomenon for EAD approvals,
so Silly Man created EAD approval thread.

I think gc0299's 2nd FP tracker thread is a good candidate.

Just to clarify:

The question at hand is NOT about expressing our happiness for others' approval or not. We all agree that it should be done. It is about doing it on a public forum vs. private message, after a REASONABLE amount of time. Looks like we are divided on how it should be done. Those who want to limit it to 3 days may do so; others who think that they should not be limited by time frame may continue. Afterall this is a free speech issue.I want to emphasize that mine was just a suggestion.

Electrano wants to bring up a dead thread up once again, just for spite. And wants "someone else" to do that. He must be busy. Any volunteers to help out our juvenile friend here?