[REPOST] PROPOSAL: Use of Second Line of Info.

VSC RD122399

Registered Users (C)
I am reposting my earlier proposal for the benefit of those who might have joined recently or missed my original message:
   Just like www.isn.org this message board has a nice feature to add a second line of information (other than your user
   name). Let\'s use that to add some basic info about ourselves so that we don\'t have repeat it with each posting.

   This "Second line of information" will appear just below your user name on your postings. In case you are replying to
   an existing dicussion, this information will be accesible to other users by clicking on your username.

   Here is the format I propose:

   Click on "Preferences" in the top bar on your screen as add this info just below your user name.

   VSC RD122399
No Title

Just wanted to touch base with you. We have the same dates RD,ND, my FP date was sep 26th, 2000(as you remember from earlier discussions)...
When do you expect to see our approvals. There have been some approvals for country other with ND as late as december.
Let me know what do you think?

Hope it is soon. I spoke to IIO yesterday but got bad news (wait for another 3/4 months).
No Title

My gut feeling is about 60 days approx i.e. towards the end of April or first 15 days of May. In case your PD is current, it shouldn\'t take any longer than that.

While there have been ND:12/99 approvals, the approvals for 08/99 and 09/99 are still coming in. Based on that..
BEST case scenario: End of March
WORST case scenario: End of May

I hope I am correct!
No Title

I am current since I am country other, EB2. I also did the FP about 5.5 months ago. Not too many people are waiting that long after the fingerprinting. I am a little bit concerned, since it could be tomorrow and it could be 4 months from now.
Based on ImmiTracker, there are not that many country - other waiting in front of me. Just hoping that it will finally come.
How many people with country Other are waiting in front of me?
My exact dates RD 12/23/99 ND 01/12/00 FP 09/26/01 waiting for AD