Reply from NJ Senator Jon S. Corzine


Registered Users (C)
Dear Mr. Edison_NJ,

Thank you for contacting my office in your effort to resolve the difficulties that you have experienced with the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (B.C.I.S). I share your frustration and I am happy to assist you in any way possible.

My Director of Immigration, David York, contacted the B.C.I.S. on your behalf. He was advised that you should expect to be scheduled for a new fingerprinting appointment within approximately 30 to 60 days, as your original fingerprints have expired. If you do not hear from them by then, please contact my Newark office and we will conduct a second inquiry on your behalf.

It is my pleasure to have been of assistance to you and I hope this matter is resolved successfully. Please do not hesitate to contact my Newark office at 973-645-3030 with any further questions or concerns.


Jon S. Corzine
United States Senator
when you sent the senator the inquiry

when? by mail, fax or physically appearing? Please let me know more..

Please post the contact details of the senator. I have been desperately waiting for the response from BCIS for too long. I think i have to do something to expedite the process.
edison_NJ, same reply as mine. I guess many ppl are stuck there because FP expire but no FP notice sent. but till now I haven';t recevied 2nd fp notice, 2 weeks after contacting congressman. Really sucks!
Word to word exactly what I got.
The interesting part is that VSC have stated adamantly to my lawyer that they had no communications with Senator Jon Corzine's office.