removal and deportation status?


New Member
Dear Legal representatives;

I need your advice.

Subject: Cancellation of removal or deportation status and reapply to enter US (at abroad).

One of my friend already removed and deported form US on February 2004 the same day he was arrived at one of the US airport.
Now he is back to work at Saudi Arabia.

Many of the websites talking about the cancellation of removal, the person still reside in the US. So they must file an appeal in the court.

In this case – he is now out side of the US (abroad), he did not do any violation, he was traveled with valid visa, proper documents, and he had a sponsor at US (US citizen).

How he can change the present removal status and eligible to enter US.
If he apply I-212 waiver through the US Embassy then, how there is any hope?

I am looking for your valuable guidance and support.

Thanks and regards,
I will type the removal order below:
1st page: Notice to Alien Ordered Removed/Departure Verification
“ You have been found to be inadmissible to the US under the provisions of section 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (Act) or deportable under the provisions of session 237 of the Act as a Visa Waiver Pilot Program violator. In accordance with the provisions of section 212(a)(9) of the Act, you are prohibited from entering, attempting to enter, or being in the US:
* for a period of 5 years from the date of your departure from the US as a consequence of your having been found inadmissible as an arriving alien in proceedings under section 235(b)(1) or 240 of the Act.

2nd page: Notice and Order of Expedited Removal.
Pursuant to section 235(b)(i) of the immigration and Nationality Act (Act), (8 U.S.C. 1225(b)(1)), the Immigration and Naturalization Service has determined that you are inadmissible to the US under section(s) 212(a) (7)(A)(i)(1) of the Act, as amended, and therefore are subject to removal, in that:
1) You are an immigrant not in possession of a valid unexpired immigrant visa, reentry permit, border crossing card, or other valid entry document required by the Immigration and Nationality Act;
And /or you appear to be an immigrant and are not in possession of any documents allowing you to do the same.
2) You are an immigrant not in possession of a valid unexpired passport, or other suitable travel document, or document of identity and nationality.
Based upon the determination set forth above and evidence presented during inspection or examination pursuant to section 235 or the Act, and by the authority contained in section 235(b)(1) of the Act, you are found to be inadmissible as charged and ordered removed from the United States.””

This is the story:
One of my friend he supposed to be visit CA, US in the month of February 2004. When he arrived at the US airport the immigration officers refused to give immigration clearance and they send him back and they charged him removal and deportation for five years. The reason was they found his certificates and resume folder from his baggage. They accused him he going for job search at US.
The visit purpose was only holyday trip company vacation. Also his company gave a letter to US Embassy for one-month vacation approval letter. During his vacation he visited from Saudi Arabia to Dubai, India, and London. Then supposed to be visits US and back to Saudi Arabia.
So he collected books and cloths from different countries where ever he visited, these collections are supposed to be takes back to his work place. Also there was a post card from HR one of the US company reside in the Middle East, this was two and half year old. Also there was a two page of interview tips obtain from Internet.

The reason he holds the certificate folder – for UAE visa. The qualified (professionals) GCC resident will get visit visa in the Dubai Airport. He got visit visa from Dubai airport three times in two weeks. If the person is not a qualified professional then the airlines and immigration officers ignore him to fly to UAE.
The other two papers were in the folder, which was not noticed before. Because the reply post card was very old, and the printout from Internet, any one will get these information from websites.

His nationality is Indian working in Saudi Arabia. He had a sponsor in US for his visit (nonimmigrant visit visa). His US visit plan was one month.
expedite removal

it looks that when he entered he was discovered by dual intention to get a job. he was charged with mis rep and put into expidite removal. which have 5 years bar.

cencellation of removal didnot apply to him because he is already deported. 212 waiver is available in immigration visa petition noit for non immigration visa.