Remanded to State/Employer


Registered Users (C)
Hello Gurus,
Please help me
to know the difference(if any) between
Remanded to State and Remanded toEmployer?(from DOL)
To the best of my knowledge

Remand to employer - ask the employer to test labor market again,advertisement, recruitment process etc

Remand to state - converting the case from RIR to Regular
NY DOL sent back to NJ SESA ?

Hi, my RIR application was moved to NY DOL from NJ SESA [after replying the queries]. Now, NY DOL again sent back TO NJ SESA for placing an 1 day sunday ad in newspaper and 10-day job place. Also, the waiver request denied [converting from RIR to Non-RIR]. My employer and attorney
were CC'ed in this matter.

This is the strange problem i have with my LC. I never heard this problem before.
At this momemt i am confused with my LC application.
Does this mean by application has been denied in RIR? or is there still a hope that my application will be continued in RIR ?
Guru's pls reply? Thank you for help in this matter.