Remaining Dec\'00 cases

Is it because of address change?

I changed my address twice. my file might be a bit bulky, me + wife + 2 kids + 2 H1Bs + 2 address changes.
Looks like there is absolutely no progress in remaining cases.
How about EAD renewal? Any body applied?
I spoke with an IIO today..

RD: 11/30/2000 ND: 12/19/2001 EB2 India
I spoke with one nice IIO today morning and she told me that my case is still pending and it may take(you guess right)..a month to 2. After hearing this, I was not interested in asking her when the case will be assigned to the officer, etc.

I think most of the Dec\'00 guys are unlucky. I called the INS to ask if it is OK to apply for AP extension. My AP expires on 7th Jan.

I wouldn\'t think about checking the AVM for another 1 week.
Called IIO just now.

Called IIO just now to check for EAD renewal. She said case still under review & can come any time. These is no special reason for delay & case looks clear. She also said it\'s ok to file for EAD extension as I have just 95 days remaining on current EAD. They are processing Jan cases. Today I saw a case in immitracker as all dates (PD,RD,ND) exactly same as mine. That was approved on 10/11. I am wondering how INS pickes up some cases. Or just random?
Keep posted any news you get.
DEC 00 Case: ND: 12/29,still waiting

RD: 12/18
ND: 12/29
PD: 3/99
No RFE, No news.

No really happy!!
Any news Dec\'00 guys

I am trying to speak to an IIO for some time. But like 485 approval there is no luck.Any news about our cases ? Please post any developments Thanks
i did

I did talk to an IIO last week. check the following liink for details:
Pagal Ghora "Dec ND case Approved- Finally heard the magic words" 11/2/01 10:17am
I was on hold for few minutes and I lost that call. I may not try today.

Congrats Pagal Ghora. Adieu from the Dec \'\'00 waiting list. All the best