Relocating after I-485 filed

ZA Gal

Registered Users (C)
Hi all

Does anyone knows what happens if you move to another state after filing the I-485? At what point does your file get transferred to the new service center, if at all?

I filed in TX in November 2000, did my fingerprints in January 2001, and would like to move to CA in May/June 2001. Any ideas what this would mean to my case?? Would it slow the application/approval down even more than the current snail\'s pace it\'s proceeding at?

Any help or adivce would be appreciated....
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This will not cause any problems to your processing. I had also changed my addr. similarly. All you have to do is to call TSC and let them know about your new address. My immig lawyer had handled this so I do not know the exact procedure. Hope this helps.
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thanks KalRam, that helps a lot. the last thing I need is to do something to slow this excruciatingly slow process down even more!
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EB2 India, RD 04/00, FD 05/00, SRC-00155-XXXXX
I moved from NC to CA in late 2k and sent change of addr notice Feb 01. Have not received nay thing in writing about transfer though my attorney said they will transfer my case to CSC.

I called TSC a week back. IIO said they will not transfer my case and she confirmed that they have my current CA address. I am not sure whether to believe her. I am wondering whether once the case gets assigned to an officer he will see the address and then xfr the papers this will cause lot of additional delays.

She also said My case is in an area where it will be assigned to an officer soon. I am not sure what it means. Hope soon is 1-2 months.

Anyone with experience on move out of jurisdiction of a SC?
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I called my attorney and checked with him about moving during the I-485 processing. He confirms what KalRam said, the case is not transferred due to the move. You need to let the INS know what your new address is, and that\'s all. Only if TSC then decides to do an interview will the case be forwarded to the local service center where you\'re currently residing - that\'s pretty normal, and the fact that you moved to CA won\'t delay things at all.

Hope this helps...
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Did you Apply using LC and 140?
I think if your employer fill LC,140 and 485 then you can not change the company.
 Please let me know, I would like to change my job.
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yes, I did a RIR LC, then the I-140. you can change jobs (according to the new law) 180 days after filing your I-485.