Relief for Retrogression , 90,000 visa recapture (News)

thanks for the "fresh off the oven" news.

Hope this is confirmed and other websites also report this.

I am just praying that this doesnt turn out to be "one side proposes , the other side opposes" game.
The senate is "considering" blah blah blah..... This news was out almost a month ago. The senate was still "considering" a month ago :D Sorry guys but don't start celebrating yet!
This will probably happen

This will probably happen. It has the backing of some strong lobby groups and it is attached to the budget bill.
I would not blow it away.
This is awesome

Hey if this is approved. Its an awsome news for all of us....Lets pray that this happens.
For any help to come our way, two things need to happen.

1. This first needs to get passed.
2. The above and the resultant recaptured numbers are given to tech workers and not Schedule A workers again.

So dont start celebrating even if this gets passed until its clear that the recaptured Visa's are really coming to you or not.
The strong lobby group that there seems to be is only from the hospitals. Remember the employers who employ Tech workers dont want this. So no lobbying on that part.

Just think rationally. Is anybody going to get anything out of providing relief to Tech workers? If your answer is no then you know what i mean.

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dwl800 said:
Hey if this is approved. Its an awsome news for all of us....Lets pray that this happens.

Well there are many things : It speaks more towards health care workers ... and this is just a document of support and not a bill.
Increase in immigration for health care worker is an big issue with UNO ... they are saying that the first world is actively draining health care workers from the third world .. The UNO says that the first world countries have resources to train the nurses n other health care workers and third world contries cannot be drained of whatever they have got.
Well even this might be debated .. but I guess will not have much spporters.
[Well I am not against the immigration of heath care workers -- I am just putting in what UNO thinks]

So there is much of the debate left ... one thing that can happen is remove the dependents from the EB numbers... that will give something like 53% back. But again that country Quota will kill most of the guys from heavly populated countries.
The best part of this bill is the depends will not be counted towards the 90,000. We will get double this number if passed. Hope they show some mercy on us.
GC_DJ said:
The best part of this bill is the depends will not be counted towards the 90,000. We will get double this number if passed. Hope they show some mercy on us.

Dont expect any mercy.
Its a cut-throat world of immigration.
Any mercy shown to tech worker means less numbers for Schedule A workers.