Relation between Airport security check and CIS name check?


Registered Users (C)
I travel a lot for work. For the last three weeks, I have not been allowed to do an Internet check-in and my boarding passes at the airport have 'Security check' flag on it. The airlines stated that TSA is handling the security checks and this should be random. However it does not seem to be random. I am not from one of those countries whose citizens are automatically checked for xtra security while travelling.
I wonder if some sort of CIS name check is triggering this xtra security check at TSA? Any similar experiences of others?
I don't think there is a relationship, I too travel a lot and some of the airlines don't allow me to do web check in -- while some do.

After carefully thinking I came to the conclusion that all the airlines which are intenational allow us to do web check in, as most of their passenger names matches names like ours, while small airlines like ATA and Southwest don't have a lot of traveller with names matching like our names, so they don't allow us to do web check in and flagged us.
I called up the airlines and complained about this consecutive name checks that are supposed to be random, despite having used them for travel needs for almost a year. Upon receiving this complaint, they followed up the case and told me that the flags are done by FAA. I followed this up with FAA and they stated that the flags have been taken over by TSA. Now TSA is a part of the Homeland security department and sister concern of CIS. Airlines do not have any role in flagging people these days.