Rejoining Old Employer


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Dear All,

I got laid off in company-A where my I-140 got approved(in 2000) and joined company-B.
Now shall I go back to comapny-A again to continue my I-485 after processing new H1b with company-A?

Thanks in advance
Yes, you can join the previous employer. I have done the same.

Before joining the employer make sure that the employer did not use your Labor for some other employee.

Why didnt you apply for 485

Just wondering that if 140 was approved so long back, you could have applied 485 and then changed jobs. This way time would not have been wasted.
Did you just leave job without further processing from 140 to 485.
Dear SquareOne,
Thanks for your response.

How to check whether employer used my labour for someone else or not? BTW, I have I-140 approval notice with me.

Dear Ag28,
Thanks for your response.

During early 2000, I-485 was not current and i had 3 years H1b left. Moreover I got laid-off so I did not have a chance. Now I got the project myself.