Rejected :( HELP PLEASE!!!!!


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Hi all,

My parents' visa was rejected last week at Mumbai consulate. The officer didn't see a single document. He just said, i don't think you are going to come back. That's it! My mom is 54 and works as a highschool teacher. My dad is 60 and retired (pension holder). They had applied through dropbox earlier but were told to appear in person.

I've one brother who is married and stays in india. I don't have any unmarried brother or sister, and no grandparents. That leaves only employment and property (house, car and agricultural land) to show as their ties to india.

My parents were asked normal questions. What does your son do in the US (H1B, software), is he married (no), is the other son in india married (yes, and that proved to be a negative point). And employment question about my parents.

Finally they were refused a visa without seeing a single document.

Now i have some questions before me.

1. Should my parents tell some lie about any unmarried son/daughter or grandparents? How risky is that? Does the consulate demand any proof? Should i have something to that effect in the affidavit?

2. Should i apply again soon or should i wait till this stupid war gets over?

3. Is there anything else i should do for getting a visa (like going through a travel agent or something)?

Your help will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much!!!!

Hi Kilbil,

As you may have seen from this forum (and other places)
sometimes the rejection of visas (visitor, student etc.) is
quite arbritray or it certainly seems that way.

>1. Should my parents tell some lie about any unmarried >son/daughter or grandparents? How risky is that? Does the >consulate demand any proof? Should i have something to that >effect in the affidavit?

This may backfire. The consulate probably knows by now from the first interview that your parents have only 2 sons (and I think this may be recorded in their files). Now if your parents come and say that there is one more son/daughter, that will sound a little fishy.

>3. Is there anything else i should do for getting a visa (like >going through a travel agent or something)?

I dont know what else can be done here other than to try again, but to somehow 'improve' the application.....perhaps show more ties to India. Waiting might help....but one cannot be sure.....

Thanks buddy!

I'm going to try my luck again after the war gets over. Will write my experience here.