Regarding too soon Approvals. Please Read!


Registered Users (C)
freebsd, LC66, goodsaint, and surya123R!

Guys, since you really KNOW someone who got approvals so soon and so unfair to the rest of us, you HAVE SOMETHING to talk to IIO about, don't you?

Just CALL, and when you hear again all that BS regarding JIT date, REFERENCE the guy or tell his ND, and ask:


But please be polite and rephrase! ;)
What will be their excuse in this case?

It will be more sense if you ALL call.

We will ALL appreciate your help.

Cool Down. There is no point in calling BCIS. Nothing is going to change. Nobody really knows how BCIS picks up the cases. Have patience and everybodys turn will come soon.

The point is that they seem so fucked up and not knowing what they are doing...
I still believe that if at least a few people complain to IIO regarding this particular problem, and IIO informs a superviser, they might do something to investigate or fix it. Small chance, but still a chance.
they'll stop those approvals too. we'd be asking for grains of rice when what we actually need is bagsfull.
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Somehow I don't believe in these May approvals unless I see it on the tracker. No one has posted even the first 5 digits of the WAC for us to run a scanner on all the cases in that lot!

I feel people are confusing EAD/AP with 485 approval. So don't sweat it! Take it easy and get back into our patience mode! :)

I dont buy it

I dont buy that some one got approved so fast. No one has post the wac number yet. What citizenship those people have? INS may process europeans faster than asians.
My lawyer stated no evidence to suggest that Europeans (I am English) are approved sooner than Asians
Agree with 140_takes_4ever

I totally agree with 140_takes_4ever. These cases just come out from nowhere and personally I think someone is BLAFFING. I searched rupnet, but no one filed after March ever got approved. Calling IIO and talk about such cases is not a good idea, given that they might not be real.

Besides, who knows what those IIO will do to your case if you give them a hard time?
You guys just do not accept the fact, How many time I have to say that those idiots constantly do stupid things like this. They even issued I20 to a dead terrorist, This is INS, get it!
mfe, a better idea than rupnet is to run the scanner and find out for sure. I think those are not bluffs, it really could happen .. considering how screwed up INS is.
SM, unfortunately scanners don't show whether case is EB or not.
And I am pretty sure there are lots of non-EB approvals for the cases filed even after April 02.

But the Guys I am encouraging to call IIO stated that approval(s) came to regular EB applicant(s)
Silly Man

Running scanner will not work. There is no way we can tell who is who right? Some cases might be age out, some might be follow-to-join cases. My friend's wife got approved recently and her ND is Mar. 2002 while my friend's is Nov. 2001. This kinda follow-to-join cases are quite common so you can't tell.
Since BciS is getting more busy with March/April 2002 cases now, i would say the chance of your approval is rather getting lower each day your status remain "processing resumed". time is now playing against you.
Do not lose faith... Eventually everybody will get his/her green card. It is just a matter of time. Why don't we all just stop staring at this forum and do something constructive? Green card will come yet life have to go on. Don't waste youth in waiting and moaning...
Bloody useless Mo Fo's!

We have been waiting patiently in line for god damn 3 years now, and instead of aleviating our misery they say "Administration's ongoing efforts to assist countries affected by Hurricane Mitch". They definitely have started preparing for re-election, get the hispanic votes!

I wish Immigrants would vote en block, that way atleast we have some bargaining chips. Instead most other communities forget the problems they had when they immigrated and move even closer to the mainstream than right wingers!
Employment Authorization Document Automatically Extended to December 5, 2003

Is this EAD is for Employement based ( 485 pending) ??????
i wish it were true

Originally posted by i485Jan
Employment Authorization Document Automatically Extended to December 5, 2003

Is this EAD is for Employement based ( 485 pending) ??????

No, it is for Nicaraguans and Hondurans

In an effort both to provide ample time for eligible Hondurans and Nicaraguans to re-register and to prevent potential gaps in employment authorization while they wait for their applications to be processed, BCIS is granting an automatic extension of the expiration date of the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) to December 5, 2003