regarding my green card please help


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hi there,
First of all i want to thank all you guys who are helping others to get settled in this beautiful country.

i have some specific questions regarding green card.

I came to usa in august 2000 in F1 visa and i am still in F1 VISA(i will complete my studies only next year).

I met a girl(american citizen) here and we are planning to get married(she has a kid); but i have some doubts regarding applying the gc.

1)what kind of questions do they ask in the interview(is there a link where i can find the questions)??
2) One friend of mine was telling it is very risky to apply for gc through marriage because the INS will think it is a fake marriage(but we are in love and it is not any kind of deal) do u guys suggest me to apply to the gc or not.
3)what happens if the interview fails will we be separated.
4)after i get my gc in how many years will i get my citizenship.

please help

can anybody tell me a good immigration lawyer in nj(Indian preferred. no offenses please).

thanks a million in advance
As long as the marriage is genuine, you have NOTHING to fear.
Yes, BCIS may ask you tons of questions or have an RFE, but if your case is genuine , then you will not have a problem answering them.

a) The questions are typical - proof of marriage, proof that you are living together etc. You can get detailed results if you search this forum. This question has been asked quite a few times..

b) What your friend is saying - has no factual relevance .

c) It takes 4yrs and 9 months yrs after gc stamping to apply for citizenship...

Actually marrying a US citizen will only requires 2 years and 9 months of continous stay not 4 years and 9 months