Regarding emergency AP from BOSTON


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My friend need advise.Here is the situation.
His wife went for interim EAD @ boston and she got it.
While taking interim EAD she came to know that BOSTON is now not giving emergency AP.(some changes in policy internally and not officialy announced).

He is going out of USA and now he needs emergency AP.
Is anybody from all of us who recently got interim AP from BOSTON.?

Thanks in advance,

If someone is looking for AP from local INS office at NYC. Make sure you guys take emergency evidence from either doctor/hospital.

I'm looking any body with BOSTON Emergency AP details.
Is that still be done or they are not doing it.?
Yes they are

Boston is still giving AP on emergency basis. I got AP for my spouse yesterday, we showed Air Ticket and a letter expaining the emergency. They approved the AP vaild for 30 days.

I belive they approved it for 30 days because the date of return on ticket is 30 days form the date of application/date of depature.
Hi reach_honey,

Can I know after how many days of pending EAD in VSC your friend's wife got Interim EAD in Boston? Is there any fee for IEAD?
How long is IEAD valid is there any date mentioned on it?

Thanks in advance.
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EAD does not have any fees. It again depens on validity.somebody gets 30 days IEAD but he got IEAD for 6 months.

Thanks for your reply.

Can also answer this one please...

Can I know after how many days of pending EAD application in VSC your friend's wife went to get Interim EAD in Boston
ltk is right

You need to have 90 day as completion. You can walkin for IEAD. But make sure you go early as 5:00AM. other wise Line would became hell bigger.
