Regarding booking dates for H1B stamping


Registered Users (C)

If I'm trying to book a date for H1B stamping in India(Delhi). Can't I do it 3-4 months ahead? The link only shows me dates for the month of february in Delhi/Chennai/Mumbai(The link is at the bottom that says check the availability). So does that mean if I am trying to book dates for month of May, I would have to wait until May 1st to book the date or even check the availability? How many months in advance can we book the dates?

I am sure many people here have gone through this process and can guide me better. Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

No replies?????? :( :( :(

Please help me out here. Its hard to believe that NONE of you have gone through or will go through H1B stamping procedure. I am trying to tap my resources but can't find correct answer to my question so seeking for help here.

Can I book the dates for H1B stamping in Delhi for months ahead currently? If yes, then please guide me how because I only see month of February as option right now. If no, then please tell me how much in advance can I book the dates as per rule? I really need to make sure that I book the date in advance or atleast on-time because I can not escape my trip to India for important reasons.

Hoping to get some helpful replies this time.
