Refund for denied labor


Registered Users (C)
Hello Everyone

Is there any law or provision where lawyer should refund some of the money if labor got denied?

(I heard some companies refund the money if new H1B doesn't approve. - Is the same case in Labor filing also)

My labor got denied in sep 2007, i was hoping if there's a way i can have refund of my money as i'm planning to switch to another company.

Please throw some light.
I think it depends on what you signed.
Besides that, I thought paying your money to LC was not considered legal.
I think after July 2007 the beneficiary cannot bear the expenses for perm. The same applies for h1b. Usually the lawyer may not reimburse the monies. This is my personal opinion.
Re: PERM Denial - Refund Fees?

What your colleagues above are saying is correct - that it does depend on what you signed, when you paid (as the law changed to state that the employer must pay for all PERM GC-related costs in July 2007.) From experience, I would doubt that the money would be refunded - especially if you signed any sort of agreement consenting to specific terms. Check your records - although it doesn't hurt to ask. From experience though, if I did all the work on a case for several months and worked my tail off, and then the DOL denied it for some stupid reason, I wouldn't be inclined to refund the money because all of the work was still done from my side. Do you know what the reason was for denial?

Hello Everyone

Is there any law or provision where lawyer should refund some of the money if labor got denied?

(I heard some companies refund the money if new H1B doesn't approve. - Is the same case in Labor filing also)

My labor got denied in sep 2007, i was hoping if there's a way i can have refund of my money as i'm planning to switch to another company.

Please throw some light.