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As I watched the sad events of hurricane Katrine unfold, I noticed that the media used the word "refugees" to label those who were displaced from their homes as a result of this tragedy. However, the use of this word caused a huge uproar especially among African American members of Congress. They felt that this description is an insult to those who were afflicted and urged news media organizations to refrain from using this word. I have two comments on this issue: 1) The anger against the use of this term shows you how stigmatized our refugee status is in this country. People actually feel insulted when you label their fellow citizens this way!!! 2) I hope that this disaster would start a new chapter in this country and prejudice against refugees would be a thing from the past. Afterall, for the first time since its inception the citizens of America are starting to understand what this word means. I hope that the current restrictive policies against refugees would be reversed
greencarder said:
As I watched the sad events of hurricane Katrine unfold, I noticed that the media used the word "refugees" to label those who were displaced from their homes as a result of this tragedy. However, the use of this word caused a huge uproar especially among African American members of Congress. They felt that this description is an insult to those who were afflicted and urged news media organizations to refrain from using this word. I have two comments on this issue: 1) The anger against the use of this term shows you how stigmatized our refugee status is in this country. People actually feel insulted when you label their fellow citizens this way!!! 2) I hope that this disaster would start a new chapter in this country and prejudice against refugees would be a thing from the past. Afterall, for the first time since its inception the citizens of America are starting to understand what this word means. I hope that the current restrictive policies against refugees would be reversed

greencarder!! Good point...
Well I don't agree with the (constant) complaining of congressional black caucus but according to the dictionary the meaning doesn't quite fit the people evacuating...
Main Entry: ref·u·gee
Pronunciation: "re-fyu-'jE, 're-fyu-"
Function: noun
Etymology: French réfugié, past participle of (se) réfugier to take refuge, from Latin refugium
: one that flees; especially : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution
Also guys, If u read some history about how this country was build up and created. Most of the first people that arrived to the Americas were people running from the Anglican church in England. In another words, the first people to come to America were refugees. Same years laters when we had WWI and WWII..many italians, jews, polish, british and even germans came to America running from the European caos. They came as refugees too.

SO as a conclusion we can see that the word refugee has been given to people in this country since the beginning. So americans shouldn't see it like if its new to them.
Arizona_Poet said:
Also guys, If u read some history about how this country was build up and created. Most of the first people that arrived to the Americas were people running from the Anglican church in England. In another words, the first people to come to America were refugees. Same years laters when we had WWI and WWII..many italians, jews, polish, british and even germans came to America running from the European caos. They came as refugees too.

SO as a conclusion we can see that the word refugee has been given to people in this country since the beginning. So americans shouldn't see it like if its new to them.

The dictionary definition of refugee means that she has fled to a foreign country. The people displaced by Katrina are American citizens. So yes the term has been used inappropriately.
comcast said:
The dictionary definition of refugee means that she has fled to a foreign country. The people displaced by Katrina are American citizens. So yes the term has been used inappropriately.

Well I think they meant refugees as to having no homes. You would be surprised that most of the media thinks of refugees as to having no homes..rather than someone fleeing from a country...I don't think it was a bad word to use...since most of the poor people in New Orleans have no home...they need refuge..hence refugees....Maybe the dictionary meaning should be elaborated..
samoel said:
Well I don't agree with the (constant) complaining of congressional black caucus but according to the dictionary the meaning doesn't quite fit the people evacuating...
Main Entry: ref·u·gee
Pronunciation: "re-fyu-'jE, 're-fyu-"
Function: noun
Etymology: French réfugié, past participle of (se) réfugier to take refuge, from Latin refugium
: one that flees; especially : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution
I think that the black Caucus are least concerned about the lexical meaning of this word. It is much deeper than that you know. Besides, you are assuming that those who write this dictionary are value-free and have no biases or twisted worldviews
greencarder said:
I think that the black Caucus are least concerned about the lexical meaning of this word. It is much deeper than that you know. Besides, you are assuming that those who write this dictionary are value-free and have no biases or twisted worldviews
just made an observation on the meaning ...I don't really care about black caucus or their concerns
Displaced Hurricane Victims/DOL Victims

Please reply to this message if anybody knows some arrangements are being made by Federal Government for displaced hurricane H1 employees working as School Teachers(Certified & Credentialed) in New Orleans to be placed in other states on priority basis. Is there a possibility of Expediting LCA under the circumstances, if requested? All members please advice.
RD March 5, 2004 Dallas/RIR
45 Days letter replied April 24, 2005
Reply of 45 Days letters received by DOL. on April 28,2005
Issued new Case number by Backlog Center.
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samoel said:
just made an observation on the meaning ...I don't really care about black caucus or their concerns

Yeah the CBC is by and large a screaming political organization that has no relevance (except for "Professor" Shamshon" :D :D ).
:mad: :mad: :mad: THEY are not Refugees ok They are AMERICANS . and they will never used that sorry R.T.D of yours show same respect to the poeples who are in bad situation as well is the children ,new borns who did not chose to be in that situation :mad: B.T.W if Black people never made where they are today in america by the help of DR King and J.F.K even as a second citizene where will you and I be today ? ofcourse in our poor stupid third world countries bottom line is black poeple opend up the door for all not white races so let be nice because this can happene at any states or in our stupid contrys. P.S :QUI RIRA BIEN QUI RIRA LE DERNIER ofcourse that is in french let me traslated for y'all P.S: WHO's HE LAUGHS LONGS WHO's HE LAUGHS LAST :confused:
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samoel said:
just made an observation on the meaning ...I don't really care about black caucus or their concerns


Dude, wish you had stuck with JUST your observation. I don't really care to hear your opinion on the congressional black caucus in this "political asylum forum".

lacoste said:
:mad: :mad: :mad: THEY are not Refugees ok They are AMERICANS . and they will never used that sorry R.T.D of yours show same respect to the poeples who are in bad situation as well is the children ,new borns who did not chose to be in that situation :mad: B.T.W if Black people never made where they are today in america by the help of DR King and J.F.K even as a second citizene where will you and I be today ? ofcourse in our poor stupid third world countries bottom line is black poeple opend up the door for all not white races so let be nice because this can happene at any states or in our stupid contrys. P.S :QUI RIRA BIEN QUI RIRA LE DERNIER ofcourse that is in french let me traslated for y'all P.S: WHO's HE LAUGHS LONGS WHO's HE LAUGHS LAST :confused:
Can someone translate what this guy wrote please?
peguin12 said:
what part did you not understand? Let us know and we will epand it in simple english.
The whole thing please (exept the french part) ..
btw who's "we" :D how many penguins are in the board ??... :D
samoel said:
The whole thing please (exept the french part) ..
btw who's "we" :D how many penguins are in the board ??... :D
l :mad: :mad: k you I ve got enouth OF YOUR B.S you and M***F*CKER friendS shite in this m***fucker because when you round your M***F*CKER mouth about BACK PEOPLES and other poeples religions in this m****f*cker and if you think because the moderator is your friend or your home boy and you can type just any m****f*cker thing you want regardless how other races or religion believers will feel about it then "go suck some after that don't forget to go to hell where you belong you sicko" :mad: I TELL YOU WHAT I REALLY DON'T GIVE A F*CK ABOUT ME STAY IN THIS M***CKER WITH SOME SICK M***F*CKER LIKE YOU AFTER YOU READ THIS, OPEN A THREAD TO VOTE ME OUT OF THIS M****F*CKER ONES AGAIN I DON'T GIVE SHITE . LEAVE BLACK POEPLES ALONE YOU SUCKER GO BLOW OUT ON SOME you sucker MENTALLY ILL, MAJOR DEPRESS DESORDER, SCHIZOPHRENIA:mad: CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? :mad: ENFOIRET VAS TES FAIRE ENCULER ofcourse this is in french now let me translated for your A** :BITCH GO GET SOME IN YOUR A** :p
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What a surprise - of course you do not care!

Just like your President and his buddies as well as those in authority who showed that they only need black people to die in their adventurous wars, you cannot stand when the naked truth is exposed for all to see.

The Congressional Black Caucus as well as numerous black leadership institutions do not need your as well as the endorsements of people like Herr Ashcroft, the KKK and all others to make their points known and heard.

Look at your George pretending to respond to the concerns of black people after being forced to cut his vacation short. He would have been in far more trouble if he listened to your as well as Herr Ashcroft's advice on this forum.

Oh maybe you cannot stand all these black people in America! Tough luck - maybe you came to the wrong country!

samoel said:
just made an observation on the meaning ...I don't really care about black caucus or their concerns
What a []

Hey rightwing nuthead:

For your infromation, members of the CBC are elected members of Congress representing the interests of their constituencies. Of course for the likes of you who can only function by arranging slush funds for Tom DeLay and Karl Rove to circumvent the legal process in the country, that might be a difficult fact to understand.

Elected members of Congress voicing the anger, frustration and demands of their electors - what a new concept!

It is one of the leaders of the CBC (Sheilla Lee kackson) who for years have been advancing the cause of removing the annual cap (interestingly the CBC was one of the first supporters of cap removal - long before your buddy George even heard about it!)

What are some of the ideas the CBC has "screamed about" that you find disagreeable - demanding equitable access to education and opportunities; demanding investigations to discriminatory practices in government and lending institutions; seeking punishment for the lynching-like treatment of blacks in Texas; and denial of voting rights by the Friends of George in Florida and Ohio?

hampton8844 said:
Yeah the CBC is by and large a screaming political organization that has no relevance (except for "Professor" Shamshon" :D :D ).
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Congressional Black Caucus is not Black People of America...

Somebody forgot the medication again ...
TortFeasor said:
Just like your President and his buddies as well as those in authority who showed that they only need black people to die in their adventurous wars, you cannot stand when the naked truth is exposed for all to see.

The Congressional Black Caucus as well as numerous black leadership institutions do not need your as well as the endorsements of people like Herr Ashcroft, the KKK and all others to make their points known and heard.

Look at your George pretending to respond to the concerns of black people after being forced to cut his vacation short. He would have been in far more trouble if he listened to your as well as Herr Ashcroft's advice on this forum.

Oh maybe you cannot stand all these black people in America! Tough luck - maybe you came to the wrong country!

TortFeasor said:
Hey rightwing nuthead:

For your infromation, members of the CBC are elected members of Congress representing the interests of their constituencies. Of course for the likes of you who can only function by arranging slush funds for Tom DeLay and Karl Rove to circumvent the legal process in the country, that might be a difficult fact to understand.

Elected members of Congress voicing the anger, frustration and demands of their electors - what a new concept!

It is one of the leaders of the CBC (Sheilla Lee kackson) who for years have been advancing the cause of removing the annual cap (interestingly the CBC was one of the first supporters of cap removal - long before your buddy George even heard about it!)

What are some of the ideas the CBC has "screamed about" that you find disagreeable - demanding equitable access to education and opportunities; demanding investigations to discriminatory practices in government and lending institutions; seeking punishment for the lynching-like treatment of blacks in Texas; and denial of voting rights by the Friends of George in Florida and Ohio?
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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