Refugee admissions for FY 2003

Re: Sessanga Charlessa

Originally posted by alanpero1
Unfortunately that is the wrong interpretation. Over the years the text of this memo has been the same (except for the numbers of course) and always meant only 10,000 visas for us.
Read messages posted by TimZ, Gilbert and myself, explaining why they use the word "additional".
May be i misinterpreted the language used in item # 2 but anything can happen.You know things are changing in different directions than we had thought, i won`t be suprised if more than 10,000 visas are issued would you?
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Re: Re: Sessanga Charlessa

Originally posted by Sessanga Charlesa
May be i misinterpreted the language used in item # 2 but anything can happen.You know things are changing in different directions than we had thought, i won`t be suprised if more than 10,000 visas are issued would you?

You are in serious denial. Perhaps you can use your fantasy skills to write a novel and earn big bucks.

The USA is based on the rule of law and the law says than only 10,000 visas are issued at most. You either cannot read well or refuse to read well.

It's unfortunate our 10,000 quota is in the same package with the refugee numbers.
First, we have to wait until they decide to make up the refugee numbers not used last FY. Second, the quota for us is not going to change (because a new law is required). In summary, another delay with no benefit for us.
That 10K quota stated by law is killing us. Patience, patience and more patience... that's what we all need!!
At least a make up for the numbers not used for us in the past years is what we deserve!!

I wonder why the Senators (informed sources say that Kennedy and Hatch are among them)who are asking for more refugee numbers refuse to help advance legislation that would raise the asylee cap? People are just not paying attention to this issue.
but why sent for fingerprints if not ready?

I have been reading all the posts on that issue and I have a couple of observations. First, if the senators are to increase the number of admissions, they will only do it to refugees and not asylees. The immigration to Israel has been hampered by the latest events in the Middle East and ofcourse Senators would love to make their Jewish constituency happy by fighting for more jewish refugees to be admitted. In other words, the delay may be only to help Jewish Refugees only and not us ( unless some of us are Jewish). Second, I do not understand why they would ask us to have our fingerprints done before they get the final presidential determination. What if Bush changed his mind, and we have to wait more years, are we going to do the damn finger prints for the third time especially that they expire after 13 months? I am sorry I do not mean to be pessimistic but I am sick and tired of this bureaucracy!!!

I have always had problem trying to understand politicians. Not only the ones in this country, I mean everywhere. Only thing I can wish now is to get the PD asap. Expecting anything else is a dream.
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There are so many whys to answer, and for outsiders like us, is even more difficult to find responses. Trying to answer yours:

First, because senators are not allowed to increase our quota via a PD. It must be done through a new legislation modifying the INA. Over the years we have seen so many initiatives proposed; however, for one reason or another, they never went through succesfully. On the other hand, Senators can modify the refugee admissions through PD by changing the numbers proposed by President Bush, and apparently that is what they are trying now.

Second, I see two options here:
Option 1, we do not know if the people called for FP belong to the 10,000 quota for FY 2002. If so, these applicants do not need to wait for the issuance of the new PD for FY 2003. INS has not officially announced the cutoff date as of 9-30-02.
Option 2, under the assumption that INS has already adjudicated the 10K quota for FY 2002, and consequently, those people called for FP belong to the 10K quota for FY 2003, it makes perfect sense that INS is working those cases in advance under the assumption that the PD will be approved.

The problem is not President Bush changing his mind. Remember that he has already proposed the numbers right on time (September 19, 2002) and there is no reason for him to change his mind from there to now. The problem is to know how long the Senate will take this time to approve the PD.


I have been told that most people who have received FP notices are applicants whom the INS believes that it can grant adjustment in this fiscal year. There is no reason to worry about us not getting the 10,000 visas. Every year since this procedure has been put into place the maximum has been allotted.

What the Senators are doing now have no bearing on us at all. When this particular issue is resolved, would they turn their attention to the asylee adjustment fiasco? There is no other word for the situation.


My received date is September 2, 1998. When you wrote:
"I have been told that most people who have received FP notices are applicants whom the INS believes that it can grant adjustment in this fiscal year."
What do you mean by "this fiscal year"? FY 2002 or FY 2003?
Because we are already in FY 2003.
Re: Gilbert

Originally posted by alanpero1
My received date is September 2, 1998. When you wrote:
"I have been told that most people who have received FP notices are applicants whom the INS believes that it can grant adjustment in this fiscal year."
What do you mean by "this fiscal year"? FY 2002 or FY 2003?
Because we are already in FY 2003.
INS FY starts september of every year.FY 2003 began in sept of 2002 and will end in AUG 2003 then FY 2004 will begin in SEPT of that year. Please advise if innacurate.
Sessanga Charlessa

Fiscal Year starts on October 1st and ends the following September 30.
FY 2002 started on October 1st, 2001 and ended on September 30, 2002
FY 2003 started on October 1st, 2002 and will end on September 30, 2003
FY 2004 will start on October 1st, 2003 and will end on September 30, 2004