Refile PERM cases waiting > 3 Months


Registered Users (C)
Starting a new thread for people who are crossed 90 days on a refile case.

Please start filling your information if you are waiting in a refile PERM case which is more than 3 months.....We need to get together and do some thing about it.....
Mine was refiled under PERM in 9/19/05 under EB2..still in process.
Legacy application was filed on 12/22/05.

Looks like all the refile cases are going into thin air and no response from DOL. Has seen only 2-3 approvals so far on refiled cases.

GC Miracle...
my case approved on 01/13/2006. from chicago DOL

filed on 10/12/2005
denied on 12/10/2006.

Refiled on 01/13/2006
approved on 01/13/2006. (same day as the refile date)

My boss talked to the certify officer who denied my case. my case denied by a harmless reason. (the HR entered the wrong prevailing wage date). The DOL does not like US to appeal, He promised to appvoved my case right the way. My boss called him after refiled and he approved it in 2 hours.

From what he told my boss. the confirmation email is not very important, there have a lot of cases got approved without it.

I hope this really helps and hope everybody got their perm approved very soon.
approval on refiling

congrats man, u are lucky, my case was eb2, mems one year exp, i got denied in 5 days, reason wrong sun adver date typo error, beneficiary sould meet the actual min req to perform the job, my lawyer said wait for 30 days and then he will refile, is that the same with u, can you tell me where did ur boss called and on what num, greatly appreciated
Look like you case also is a harmless one.

My boss contacted DOL chicago the next day when he received the denial letter. and refiled my application two days later. I do not know why your attorney told you to wait 30 days.

Since My 6 yrs H1B is going to expired in Nov, 2006. This is the big reason why my boss worked so hard on this.

From my boss told me, ( he got from DOL officer) There around 800 harmless case at chicago.

My boss called the chicago DOL helpdesk first, I do not know which number, I think it is on the website, and helpdesk transfered his call to the officer denied my case. The officer checked my case and he told my boss to refile and he can approve right the way. Since my H1b issues, My boss want to reopen or reconsider my case and he said no. He told my boss that, DOL really like us to re flie instead appeal because under new perm rule, you can refile right the way, and do not need to wait 6 months like before.

From what he said, DOL is working very hard to get all the case result in 90 days after the case is filed.

Ask your attorney to call DOL to check you status.

good luck!
perm refile

thanks for ur ans, yar it was written on their denial letter that a new case can not be filed while a request of review is in pending i mean if u have seen their denial letter they write it like that a new application may be filed any time after the 30 days of this letter, i am still wondering that u could only file an appeal within 30days not a refile electronically, another thing is that u said that the officer who denied ur application (i blv no person is checking eta9089 but a software itself determine approval or denials at first)please let me know
calling the officer up

I see some posts that claim that officers who denied the case were contacted in person.. is there a standard procedure for doing this?.. if so, how to do the same?

peace4u said:
I see some posts that claim that officers who denied the case were contacted in person.. is there a standard procedure for doing this?.. if so, how to do the same?


I am doing job ad now and will refile PERM conversion around May 2006

Filed my RIR-PERM conversion case on Dec 12, 2005

I got the withdrawl letter in Jan from PBEC

My case was filed on 8/11/2005 in chicago, still status shows In Process. They have asked couple of questions to answer through audit in 10/2005, My attorney replied to that letter immediatly. After that status shows In Process. My attorney says he sent letter, email after 90 days. But DOL does not respond. He says, he called DOL but they are not taking any calls. Is there any way to find out why it is getting delayed. My H1B is going to expire in december2006. Please advise.
mine was approved

My case was filed on Feb 7th and got approval on mar 7th, but i noticed mitakes in joining dates. My layer wants to reapply with the correct information.

Do i need to cancel the first approved one for reapplying
What are the choices of denial.
Any suggesations
divakarR said:
Look like you case also is a harmless one.

My boss contacted DOL chicago the next day when he received the denial letter. and refiled my application two days later. I do not know why your attorney told you to wait 30 days.

Since My 6 yrs H1B is going to expired in Nov, 2006. This is the big reason why my boss worked so hard on this.

From my boss told me, ( he got from DOL officer) There around 800 harmless case at chicago.

My boss called the chicago DOL helpdesk first, I do not know which number, I think it is on the website, and helpdesk transfered his call to the officer denied my case. The officer checked my case and he told my boss to refile and he can approve right the way. Since my H1b issues, My boss want to reopen or reconsider my case and he said no. He told my boss that, DOL really like us to re flie instead appeal because under new perm rule, you can refile right the way, and do not need to wait 6 months like before.

From what he said, DOL is working very hard to get all the case result in 90 days after the case is filed.

Ask your attorney to call DOL to check you status.

good luck!

Congrats on your approval...When your case got denied for the first time, what did your employer answer for questions F-7 and F-8 (Determination date and expiation date) for PWD?

What dates did your employer change it to when it was approved?

I am wondering whether your PWD validate was for 1 year or 365 days or lesser. Please answer the above questions. Thanks a lot!
Perm Approved, changing companies and refiling?

My perm was approved but due to a rif, I have to change employers. If i refile, will the time taken be the same as old or much faster? Since my old employer had filed my 1-140 and pending since 3 months . If it gets approved, I can take the PD to the new employer and refile perm.

Any suggestions?
