Reentry permit and working abroad


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I have a reentry permit and was working in India for my US employer. Now i am thinking of taking up employment with another Indian employer for 1-2 years and finally intend to return back to US. Since i have a reentry permit, can i assume that i can enter back assuming i continue to file taxes and maintain accounts etc.
are you concerned that your re-entry permit is invalid now that you have changed employers in India? That is not accurate!

Yes, I am concerned that if i take up employment with an Indian employer, it will probably be seen an me not not having intention to return and i could be questioned when i do return. Since i am going to be working in India, is that grounds for me having an intent not to return.

Even with the REP, we need to maintain ties back to the US and show an intent to return back, just taking employment in India, i am concerned doesnt show an intent to return back.

bumping this thread, could someone please comment whether working abroad with a re-entry permit can be seen as severing ties with US?
It shouldn't really matter what you do outside US on a re-entry permit as long as you return before its expiration to preserve your LPR status.
If you will be working, you will have to file US tax returns and declare your Indian income on it. You can get credit for taxes paid in India.

That is what i also thought but after reviewing some threads and talking to my lawyer, i understand that taking up employment outside US and working there, you can be asked to prove your ties back to the US. How do you justify working abroad for 2 years? The re-entry permit is not a guarantee for you to get back, you still have to justify your intention to reside in US and account and explain why you have been out.
Your lawyer is correct. When you use the reentry permit, in most cases they don't hassle you about your residential ties if you return before it expires. But if they do hassle you about it, you do have the burden to prove your ties to the US, and taking foreign employment (especially if it is indefinite employment and not a short-term contract) with a non-US corporation* is an indicator of abandoning US residence.

*and you have to be careful about what is a US corporation in the eyes of USCIS/CBP. Many companies you think are US corporations don't qualify.

Thanks for confirming Jackolantern. I am being asked to take up employment with the indian branch of my US company. I see that also as a risk for my GC unless i can prove that the employment with the Indian branch is temporary and i will be offered us employmnt upon return. do you agree?