Recording calls to IIO


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Do they record enquiries made on a case. Does it effect applicants in any way.
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I think they do seeing some posts here.I have called them up some 3 times in 3years..two times recently.With gods grace my case got approved,so I do not think there is a problem..
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I think they do make a note of all telephonic communications about a case on their system. A friend of mine had called up INS and inquired about his case but the IIO being rude, he called up after 30 minutes and spoke to another IIO. This second IIO told him that you had just inquired with someone here. This led us to believe that they do make a note of all telecons.
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I was informed by an IIO that they will only record that x person called at this time, and nor more than that. When I requested whether she can put my request for faster approval, she said this is only possible.
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I think they record as much information as they want:

I called up an IIO on a particular date and had some discussion. When I called up later, a different IIO mentioned my previous conversation almost verbatim with date and previous IIO\'s gender (he/she).
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Even if its tracked, I doubt the INS would care. Almost all 485\'ers check AVM everyday.

They definitely make a note of all telephonic calls such as date/time. Its upto the IIO how much detail they wish to enter in for the conversation
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They do note down the date and time of the call and IIO\'s name who spoke to the individual.