Recommended approval


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Hi everbody,
Here is our situation
My aunt was interviewed for asylum in september 2003 in San Francisco and 14 days later received recommended approval letter. She was told it would take them about six months to have the results of the background checking and send her the final approval letter. We're still waiting for it and her I-94. Each time we go to the CIS we have the same answer - everything is OK, just wait it can take a month, maybe more. I even wrote a letter to the congressman Lantos, a women from his office called and told they had requested information from CIS, but received the same answer. She proposed to find a low-cost lawer to help us if things go to Jan 2005 (very interesting, heh?). Could somebody, please, help us with advice? WHat to do? People say that if she had interview one year ago she'll have to have fingerprints taken again. We really don't know what to do.
unfortumately, there is nothing you can do to expedite your case. :(

In my case it took two months for them to clear my background check.
in most cases normally it takes from 3-9 months. :eek:

basically you have been granted asylum already, the last step to officially approve you left is an FBI check.

If you have a very common last name it takes longer time. :cool:

So you have to be patient.

there is not much time left to wait :)

good luck ;)
asylee25 said:
unfortumately, there is nothing you can do to expedite your case. :(

In my case it took two months for them to clear my background check.
in most cases normally it takes from 3-9 months. :eek:

basically you have been granted asylum already, the last step to officially approve you left is an FBI check.

If you have a very common last name it takes longer time. :cool:

So you have to be patient.

there is not much time left to wait :)

good luck ;)

Contact Washington CIS.
On friday we went to the asylum office and tried to get some information about my aunt's pending case. The same stupid officers, the same answers - I really got angry and insisted on talking to the supervisor. We waited about 4 hours, at the end she appeared and told us that that the final decision is pending the results of overseas investigation. I asked about fingerprints and she told that we can come and renew them in december (it is almost 15 months from her last fingerprints). I have no idea what she meant with overseas investigation.
Do you have any idea about it? I am affraid they have sent information concerning her asylum application to US embassy in her home country to check. But it is obvious, that under no circumstances will anybody support or confirm the information or even the authenticity of her documents I even cannot imagine what will happen to her family there if anybody knows there about her claim for asylum in the USA!!!!!!!

Oh God, we are so tired with this waiting. Did anyboy have the same experience after getting recommended approval?
They may even investigate something overseas with the US embassies, but the United States NEVER contacts your native country to inform and/or inquire about your asylum application. Anyway, I think that supervisor had no idea what she/he was talking about....Probably just bla bla bla......I think you should def. get a lawyer.......

Hhemc said:
On friday we went to the asylum office and tried to get some information about my aunt's pending case. The same stupid officers, the same answers - I really got angry and insisted on talking to the supervisor. We waited about 4 hours, at the end she appeared and told us that that the final decision is pending the results of overseas investigation. I asked about fingerprints and she told that we can come and renew them in december (it is almost 15 months from her last fingerprints). I have no idea what she meant with overseas investigation.
Do you have any idea about it? I am affraid they have sent information concerning her asylum application to US embassy in her home country to check. But it is obvious, that under no circumstances will anybody support or confirm the information or even the authenticity of her documents I even cannot imagine what will happen to her family there if anybody knows there about her claim for asylum in the USA!!!!!!!

Oh God, we are so tired with this waiting. Did anyboy have the same experience after getting recommended approval?
Final approval

Hi Hhemc,

How is the status of your aunt's case? It has been over a year in my friend's case. He checked with his lawyer, but the lawyer replied that it is nothing he can do. Background check is handled by state dept. Once San Fran office got the clearance from the state dept, they will issue the final approval. I don't know if it is true.

Also I read in some threads that we can check the status of background check. I wonder how my friend can do that.

Thanks for your advice. I would appreciate if anyone suggest.
hi there,

Actually, we didn't visit SF asylum office for a while but I am affraid there are no changes in my aunt's case. I contacted a local lawer and the only thing he proposed is to contact asylum office director Emilia Bardini directly and find out what the hell is giong on with this case. I have no idea how to check the status of the background check although I tried to read all topics ragarding this issue on this forum. The only thing I am sure 100% of, is that something is wrong with her case, because it is impossible to check person's identity and backgroung for almost two years!!!!!! Thousands and thousands of asylees are applying for asylum each month and it is usually takes CIS about 2-5 months to clear asylum seekers who were recommended for approval. I thibk the problem with my aunt is that her interview officer was moved to other state shortly after her interviwe and her case was twice assigned to two different officers (according to documents sent on my FOIA request). And maybe these fat lazy asses don't want to finish the case of other officer. I REALLY don't know what to do. Wait? How long? Two years, three, four? It is stupid of me, but I swear you I wish her case was denied and she could get her asylum status through IJ. I wish your friend will be luckier and will got his approval soon.
If you are not doing anything proactive then the status is not likely to change ever.

Retain legal counsel and find out what the hell is going on.

Hhemc said:
hi there,

Actually, we didn't visit SF asylum office for a while but I am affraid there are no changes in my aunt's case. I contacted a local lawer and the only thing he proposed is to contact asylum office director Emilia Bardini directly and find out what the hell is giong on with this case. I have no idea how to check the status of the background check although I tried to read all topics ragarding this issue on this forum. The only thing I am sure 100% of, is that something is wrong with her case, because it is impossible to check person's identity and backgroung for almost two years!!!!!! Thousands and thousands of asylees are applying for asylum each month and it is usually takes CIS about 2-5 months to clear asylum seekers who were recommended for approval. I thibk the problem with my aunt is that her interview officer was moved to other state shortly after her interviwe and her case was twice assigned to two different officers (according to documents sent on my FOIA request). And maybe these fat lazy asses don't want to finish the case of other officer. I REALLY don't know what to do. Wait? How long? Two years, three, four? It is stupid of me, but I swear you I wish her case was denied and she could get her asylum status through IJ. I wish your friend will be luckier and will got his approval soon.
He already wrote a letter to the Director, but no response. He is such a poor guy. I needed to help him as he does not know english and poor knowledge of internet too.

So what is the solution? His lawyer said it would be in vain to hire the lawyer and follow up the case as all final is up to State Dept.

In this forum, I found nobody from other offices. This means SF office is something wrong? I just wonder.

Any thoughts? Any suggestion?

Hhemc said:
Hi everbody,
Here is our situation
My aunt was interviewed for asylum in september 2003 in San Francisco and 14 days later received recommended approval letter. She was told it would take them about six months to have the results of the background checking and send her the final approval letter. We're still waiting for it and her I-94. Each time we go to the CIS we have the same answer - everything is OK, just wait it can take a month, maybe more. I even wrote a letter to the congressman Lantos, a women from his office called and told they had requested information from CIS, but received the same answer. She proposed to find a low-cost lawer to help us if things go to Jan 2005 (very interesting, heh?). Could somebody, please, help us with advice? WHat to do? People say that if she had interview one year ago she'll have to have fingerprints taken again. We really don't know what to do.
Hiring a lawyer is your best option at this time. 6 months is not bad; I know someone who waited a year. Good luck!
My Friend is waiting for his final decision from last 2 year. He was interviewed in san francisco office.

What was your aunt status when she applied for asylum? did she showed her passport?
people who don't show any government issued id(passport etc.) aren't getting any final apporval now a days.... because of uncertainity of positively identifying the asylum applicant by CIS.
I guess they don't want to take chance in case some body will turn out be someone special..... so they throw the case to further investigate to identify the asylum aplicant who she is claiming to be.
I know it must be hard.....

I know it must be hard, but try not to worry too much. Think positive, and do everything you can, for sure - especially having good representation, for example.

The pending case takes time; I know someone that has been waiting for 1 year and 1/2. The recommended status is even more promising because it's more positive.

Both cases (recommended and pending) were not denied so far - and just that is better than anything. Dealing with initial denials are harder, but even those initial denials can be appealed.

Denials will be harder to be appealed if Real Id passes - that is why I think we, as asylees and immigrants, should not support Real Id.

And even if they pass Real Id, the U.S. Government can be sued (from what I understand and I am not a lawyer I should say) because there are provisions in Real Id that goes against some international laws that deal with refugee and asylees that U.S. still should follow.
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My aunt didn't have her national passport but she had a lot of other governement IDs like driver's lisence etc. I am not sure that this is the reason of this delay because I personally know some people in the same (or maybe worse) situation who got their final decisions, although they really had to wait for a while, but not more that 1 year. What is strange that it seems to me that her case in CIS system is not pending but ON HOLD. I don't know exactely what it means. When we were in asylum office last time the clerk who was there told us that her case is on hold. I am just back from Ireland were I spent all my money and when I have enough money for a lawer I'll hire somebody to find out what's going on.
Hhemc said:
My aunt didn't have her national passport but she had a lot of other governement IDs like driver's lisence etc. I am not sure that this is the reason of this delay because I personally know some people in the same (or maybe worse) situation who got their final decisions, although they really had to wait for a while, but not more that 1 year. What is strange that it seems to me that her case in CIS system is not pending but ON HOLD. I don't know exactely what it means. When we were in asylum office last time the clerk who was there told us that her case is on hold. I am just back from Ireland were I spent all my money and when I have enough money for a lawer I'll hire somebody to find out what's going on.

Not having National passport probably caused the delay. I don't think that even lawyer could help ulless he has conmnection at the Department of State. I wouldn't worry. She's got recommended approval. Eventually she'll get her Final. I wish you good luck. And your aunt. Try to spend your energy to stabilize her life here in USA (getting a job, education). She will definitely get her Final.
call this number

Listen tell your aunty to call this numner 1 800 898 7180 and press 3 then put THE ALINEN# and see if the case is actually in court and i think sometimes they give it to an immigration judge to make a final decision.
do you mind sharing which country your aunt is from and how come she did not have a passport yet is in the US? thx
ianyu said:
do you mind sharing which country your aunt is from and how come she did not have a passport yet is in the US? thx

She is from the former Soviet Union and yes, she did enter the country illegally. She had to do it because she had no choice. Her NP was taken by the person who helped her to enter.