Recommendation Letters for NIW case


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I am thinking of applying for GC under NIW cateogry.I have hired an attorney and they have sent me sample recommendation letters.But I find them to be very very strongly worded and I sincerely doubt if any referees would agree to give such letters based on my current work.

I know independent reference letters are important for this category.However,how important are they?Is the decision of the BCIS based on the STRENGTH AND NUMBER of references?

Though I have some publications and am working on a very important disease,I am finding it next to impossible to imagine getting these recommendation letters.This is because,I have not yet achieved anything "absolutely ground breaking".Hence,I am unable to point out anything "standing out" in my CV and my career.I am unable to think what highlights should I point out for the referees who are obviously highly accomplished scientists.Whatever I might have achieved at my level of experience, may not be worth a dime in the eyes of the referees.

Hence, I am not having the guts to even approach any referees to request the letters.

I am very concerned if I would be able to get any letters.

Would appreciate any help and advice.

GC:confused: :(
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Originally posted by GCChaahiye

I know independent reference letters are important for this category.However,how important are they?Is the decision of the BCIS based on the STRENGTH AND NUMBER of references?

Though I have some publications and am working on a very important disease,I am finding it next to impossible to imagine getting these recommendation letters.This is because,I have not yet achieved anything "absolutely ground breaking".Hence,I am unable to point out anything "standing out" in my CV and my career.I am unable to think what highlights should I point out for the referees who are obviously highly accomplished scientists.Whatever I might have achieved at my level of experience, may not be worth a dime in the eyes of the referees.

Hence, I am not having the guts to even approach any referees to request the letters.

I think letters are very important. I know a person whose NIW denial was reversed on appeal in large part because he was able to submit a letter from a Nobel laureate. I understand that it may be scary to approach scientists with really big names with such request - I've been there, however I think your fear is unfounded, if you are polite and express your situation clearly the worst they can do is to refer the letter to their secretary for a "sorry, no" reply. Believe me, these people deal with such thing on almost daily basis. So write the draft letter as you would like that particular person to have written it (professors are far too busy to write such things themselves), ask your lawyer to proofread and contact that person. Another possible solution is to ask your advisor to contact some of these people on your behalf - it may increase your success rate and turnaround time considerably.
Lamonte,Thanks for the words of encouragement and the support.I guess I need these very badly.

As for my Advisor,I do not expect any help from her as I feel that I have been unfairly treated throughout my stay with her.She doesnt send me to any conferences,seminars, etc and has not given me any publications.Hence,I have not had the opportunity to meet other scientists at such meetings.She is not bothered if I make any progress or not.She has not supported me in my career with her and am afraid to approach even for her recommendation
letter(I know I have to do it later).I am afraid to lose my current temporary visa if I happen to lock horns with her.So, I gotta better keep quiet.

Lamonte,I will go by your advice and write to the referees.

Any other NIW people/PostDocs have been/are in the same predicament?

Any further advice and suggestions will go a long way to help me.

Thanks a lot
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Originally posted by GCChaahiye

Lamonte,I will go by your advice and write to the referees.

Explain to your referees that the letters are written like that to meet the *legal* requirements of your petition. Most will understand.

HI, GCChaahiye

I was totally there. Trust me, you can do it.
My own experience, also working in biological science field for a not very supporting advisor, desperately need the GC and labor cert is darn slow.
One thing I have to mention first is that I have not got mine approved, so my way might not be the good way, but under the circumstances, this seemed to be only doable way for my situation.
The way I did it was I first asked the professors whether they feel comfortable writing a letter for me. Most of the time, they would say yes at this point. Then I drafted the letter and let the attorney proofread it. I sent the drafted reference letter with my own letter explaining why it is so important and it has to be that way. I got some rejection but I did get some back. For some difficult professors, I first addressed how serious the disease is and how difficult to conquer it and how NATIONALLY US would be benifit if the problem is solved (Do some research from google and find the statistics,give them the real number), then say in order to do that "you and your group has done some ground breaking work...." and you led the project or made main contribution to it. For the letters from people ("easy professors" ) that you know, you can emphesis more on how you are the leading role. Thus make the story a whole.
It took me a long time to finish this step. So be patient and be prepared, don't let things get delayed in your part, but if it does get stucked somewhere, just take a deep breath, walk away and TRY SOMEWHERE ELSE. I know it is hard, as most of the people here know that. But you can do it, and you have to. Hope this helps.
If i were INC officer, i would reject all NIW applications

Just a advice: donot put ur GOOD experiences of how to write recommendation letters here in a public place, U never know if someone from BCIS also regularly visits this site. If you really want to help, send private messages. I once even sent all my letter samples to a stranger I met on this site, but I did it privately.