Recieved response from FBI about name check

I'm sorry it's 10/18/2004.

Well they said that our name check results were sent back to USCIS in January 2003.

BTW this was the response to my second email enquiry. I recieved a response to my first enquiry (made in sep 2004) in Nov 2004. I wasn't really expecting any response since they already responded to the first one. I guess they don't have a system to track these enquiries.
dinnu said:
I'm sorry it's 10/18/2004.

Well they said that our name check results were sent back to USCIS in January 2003.

BTW this was the response to my second email enquiry. I recieved a response to my first enquiry (made in sep 2004) in Nov 2004. I wasn't really expecting any response since they already responded to the first one. I guess they don't have a system to track these enquiries.

Does anyone know how long the name check result will remain valid?
e.g., if the name check result was done in Jan 2003, will a new name check be required?

