recieved FP notice today, can I have early FP in newark


Registered Users (C)
I recieved FP notices today from TSC, appointment time will be 11/27 for me and my wife, 11/26 for my son. could i have early FP in newark at next sat. morning. will they let me in the bulding if i bring the FP notice. any advise will be appreciated

RD 4/2002
ND 5/2002
Forget early FP in Newark or Hakensack , NJ

I tried early FP in Newark, NJ and then also in Hakensack, NJ. The guard in Newark was very calm and stubborn. Won't even talk much once she said no. They have been explicitly told to disallow early FPs even if the crowd is very little. What a waste of time and 13 dollar parking money that I paid.

Than I went to Hakensack, NJ ( about 5 miles from there ) , the whole ASC was empty and only the guard and few FP officers sitting and chatting. The guard there was very friendly but he was confused on why we were there when the appt. was 11/26 in Newark. There was no concept of early FP and he did not believe that anyone anywhere in the country is doing anything called early FPs... :mad: :mad:

So overall experience was one full day wasted, lot of travelling with the family and result a big ZIPPO.. :eek: :eek:

I will go on the appointment date only now.

I did 10 days ealrier than the date mentioned in the FP notice. but its in CA.
try your luck.
Nathang said:
I did 10 days ealrier than the date mentioned in the FP notice. but its in CA.
try your luck.

Thanks for sharing with us. Which city in CA? I am planning to goto Oakland this Saturday. What time did you go for early FP?