Recent Stamping Experiences @ San Jose.


Registered Users (C)
I plan to go for stamping soon. (@SJ)

- What are the documents I need for stamping? (apart from the approval notices I get in mail)

- I plan to go to the San Jose office around 7:30. (One of my co-workers went at 10 for stamping. Was done in 4 hours with the IBIS check)
(appointment line)

- Any tips? DOs and DON\'Ts... (documents, parking, driving etc.)

- What else should I do after stamping? (I heard something about social security office...what is that about?) Should I change anything @ my workplace? Which other govt or non-govt organizations should I notify about my status change?

- More importantly, WHERE is the SJ INs office? Will the address be on the approval notice?

- How much time is it taking now-a-days to get the plastic card?

Please post your experiences as soon as possible...I might go for stamping tomorrow.
I got my stamping done today

The address is 1887 Monterey Rd, San jose. ( address is on the approval letter) Please make sure whether they do stamping on friday or not, cause I think I saw only Mon-Thursday on the approval letter)

I went at 7am. You can go to the appointment\'s line. Your approval letter is the appointment letter. Unfortunately, the pictures I took along with me were not acceptable to the officer? ( YOu cann\'t argue!) There is one small studio besides INS which opens at 8am. My token number was called and I couldn\'t be there. so I have to get a new token number which is not that bad.(Add another couple of hours). Everything was done by 11am.
You have to take your AP, EAD and approval letter along withyou. (Offcourse Passport). IBIS check will take max 30min.
will there be an interview?

If interview, what do they ask ?

Will they ask for SSN card ? (coz I lost mine!)

Can u go for stamping with the approval letter(its a copy, not original) you received thru mail , or do you have to go with the ORIGINAL which was send to the lawyer ?