Recent CP Successes Card tracker


Registered Users (C)
My POE at SFO was May 30. Still awaiting card and welcome letter. Anybody with close dates, please post your status.
Recent CP Successes Card tracker

I had successful CP interview on 29th May and POE was Atlanta on 10th June. Waiting for the plastic card and the welcome letter

Interview: May 9
POE: May 11
Letters: May 25
Plastic Wife and son: May 28
My plastic: Still waiting. AVM says case still pending.

when did you receive your welcome letter? how many days after that did you get card.
Card never ordered

Spoke to IIO at TSC this morning. Card was never ordered. I was told it should come within 2 weeks.
Thanks For All the HELP

Hi folks got my plastic card today.

POE San Francisco

Date of Entry May,31 2002

Good Luck to all future CPers
Card received on June.17.02

POE: Seattle (May.31.02)
Welcome letter: June.14.02.
Interview date: May.30.02.
Good Luck to all.
Looks like POE in California (SFO or LAX) are behind

Mine is POE LAX , 3/02. I am still waiting for Plastic Card. I just talked to CSC operator just to confirm whether my card is getting processed at TSC or CSC, she said my card is getting processed at TSC.
Getting through TSC Phone is difficult. Does any body have idea about what is the best time to reach TSC? or any other communication is best?


POE - Port of Entry

I noticed your request for assistance at the 140 stage level in the discussion folder meant for CP interviews. Before posting any more questions on various discussion folders, I suggest you first read thoroughly the postings that pertain to your current stage - which I think is just before 140.

There are detailed write-ups of the entire process which might answer your questions.

Your card may be stuck, like mine. I called to fix the problem. Still waiting, though.

To get through to the TSC by phone, you have to shave the hair off the bottom of a beagle dog. The dog must be male, not female, and be between the ages of 2 and 3 years. The dog must not have been neutered and be in reasonably good health. Take the hair and dry it out in a *metal* Beagle Hair Drying Box (tm), not one of those cheap plastic ones. Once dry, carefully spread the hair over the phone you will be using to call the INS. Face the phone in a Westerly direction (for God\'s sake, don\'t face North!!!). Your phone should have at least two lines or, preferably, a "drop" function which will allow you to redial 20-30 times a minute. Please don\'t do this without warming up. Exercise your fingers before you start this endeavor. Eat a hearty breakfast and get a good night\'s sleep beforehand. Wear loose fitting clothes and refrain from smoking. Do not drink while doing this. The alcohol will slow your redialing ability. Chant folk songs from your home country. Do not let your mind wonder. Keep focused on the task at hand. If you follow all these instructions then, and *only* then, will your hear the sweet, sweet sound of a ringing telephone at the Texas Service Center of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Brian :).
very good write up leroythelion

leroythelion .. looks like you had very good experience ..I will try but rather I will fly to Texas..
Almost there

You\'ll probably get it before the weekend unless you were in the same boat as me, where some computer glitch didn\'t allow mine to be ordered. If you don\'t get it in 2 weeks, start calling. It worked for me. Brian.