Recent Arlington PP Stampings-Let us Track

Stamping rejected for my friend on 5/23

Took everything except, passport. The officer told there will be notice within 2-4 weeks for PP stamping, after security check.
Please confirm whether Arlington resumed stamping.

Waiting for PP stamping notice since May 20. Returned without stamping on May 20.

Good luck.
I couldn\'t able to confirm about Arlington stamping, but

I saw in a posting, that one of them called INS to check whether they have IBIS in their location. Can someone call INS, I don\'t have their number.
Got the letter from Arlington to come and get my passport stamped

On May 29th I received a letter from INS Arlington to get my passport stamped on June 10th. I actaully went for passport stamp on May 21st.

Great News!! We are all waiting so looks like things are moving quickly. Could you please let us know if they asked you to bring any ADDITIONAL documents (other than the ones asked for in the original approval notice). Good Luck.

Great!! Did they ask you to bring any additional documents (other than those mentioned in the original approval notice)?
Did any one else get the PP stamping letter from Arlington?

I\'ll appreciate if you can please share your status. I didn\'t receive a letter yet (Since May 20).

Good luck.