Received Yellow Letter


Registered Users (C)
I received the Interview Letter about 2 weeks back.

Today, I received the "Yellow Letter".

Is this normal? or should it have come in the same envelope together with the interview letter?

The YL asks me to bring:

1. my state issued driver's license and/or state issued photo id.
2. all passports and travel documents (both current and expired).

Even without them asking me to, I would ofcourse be taking the above documents, but why have they asked me to bring them specifically? Any idea of what could the possible reasons be?

Thanks much
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Yellow letter always comes separate from the interview letter. Nothing unusual. It is in response to some questions you checked on the N400 form.
#1. State photo ID indicates something to do with state residency. Maybe you recently moved.
#2. Passports and travel documents indicate US residency. Maybe too much travel. Or the dates you reported on travel mismatch (significantly).
Anyway nothing biggie if you do not have any issues on residency.
I have lived in my current state and same home for the past 4.4 years. My DL mentions the same current address.

Since I entered US after obtaining my GC through CP in 2005, I have been out of the country only for 2 trips, totaling to 36 days ( first trip lasted 25 days at the end of 2009 and the other, 11 days in mid 2010). I have mentioned accurate dates in 7(c).