• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Received Security Clearance Result!


Registered Users (C)
Dear Freinds,

Today I received a letter from embassy stating:
"We can now issue your visas, please call SMS on [telno] to have your passport collected. Thanks you."

I've been waiting for this moment for so long and I still cannot beleive that I will be able to get my visa finally! :rolleyes: :D

I've had my interview in London about 4 months ago, however my visa was pending due to FBI Name checking (I'm originally from Iran).

I'd like to thank everybody in this forum who have helped and supported me by answering all my questions. I still have one more question though:

Right after the DV interview I got my British passport (I was in the UK on work permit basis). As I've presented my Iranian passport during the interview, I wonder if they would issue visa on my British passport instead of the Iranian one?

Wish all DV winers good luck,