Received plastic card in 4 weeks!!!!!......But.......


Registered Users (C)
My wife & me received our plastic cards yesterday (12/08/2001)
DOE : 11/03/2001.

We had given our relative\'s address as the address where we should get our plastic cards but we got the cards on our home address.

My wife\'s card is fine. On my card, my father\'s name has been misspelt and also the apt # in the mailing address is incorrect. I know that i have to fill up the I90 form for this.

Do i have to send the plastic card back with the I90 form ?
How long does it take to receive the corrected card ?
I don\'t hAVE MY FATHER NAME on the card

what the hell are we talking about? I got my card. It have
can anyone shed some light???
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Look at the bottom right end of your card ... You should have Father\'s name at end.

I got my Green Card today but the Alien number is different from the one in I-485 reciept. They add "0" in front of it and it become a 9-digit number. It was AXX-XXX-XXX, but now is 0XX-XXX-XXX. Is this O.K.? SHould I file a I-90?
Thanks for your HELP!!!
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Well! father\'s Name or Middle name (for wife) is there at the bottom of card in following format

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I also do not have the father\'s name. It seems to strange. I have never heard that GC had the father\'s name in it.
Some Cultures have Father\'s Name as Middle Name

In some cultures, sons take their father\'s first name as their middle name. So, when DMAX refers to father\'s name, I think he is really referring to his middle name.

My bad... Yes in my culture. My father\'s first name is a my middle name. and it is misspelt in the Plastic card. Any suggestion whether I should file I90 for correction or should ignore this??
Look at the bottom

On the bottom of the plastic card there is information which looks like

Only First letter of middle name should be printed

only first letter of middle name which is in most cases father\'s name.
The full name on top should match the name at button in format:

ON TOP: " LAST, FRIST MI ", where MI=middle initial=middle name\'s first letter
No father\'s name

I definitely do not have my father\'s name on my card!

The last line is just
last name
fathers name= middle name

you can refer it as middle name confusion can be avoided.
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Listen. There is nothing called father\'s name. It is the name you are using, because you have your father\'s name as the middle name. Do not confuse that with general case. It is specific to your name.
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Why are you telling father\'s name ? It is sheer conbfusion you are spreading. Its is specific to your case. Not everybody has father\'s name in middle initial.
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Bogu...Read message # 1.3.1. I already explained that. I have posted this message to seek help for my case and in the message I have explained that my father\'s first name is my middle name. If even after reading that message you are getting confused then nobody can help you.
If you are confused, its your problem

Mr Bogu,
For your kind information this forum has been developed to answer peoples queries and to help clear off any doubts that people have.

If you don\'t understand the question or are getting confused then don\'t reply to it. Many people have their father\'s/husband\'s name as their middle name. If you don\'t have one then please keep away from this discussion and allows others to answer the query and help.

Remember - if you can\'t help then don\'t try to be sarcastic & discourage others.

In plain & simple english "JUST KEEP AWAY"

The posting is confusing. You just say Father\'s name all along, but no clarification until bogu mentioned it.

Rangeelee, this is not a TAMIL culture forum either. Bogu was curious because he wanted to help as well as got nervous based on the posting. People read this forum to help. And not many know about the tamil culture. So in plain english
BACK THE HECK OFF cultural discussion\'s.
I agree with nsx

I agree with nsx ( Not with the strong words )
If some one do not know majority of us not even have
middle names and more than 90 % who has middle name dose not have father name as middle name they better need to learn a lot about names.

RANGEELEE as you can see from many posts using father\'s name instead of middle name confused us.

FYI most of us are trying to help , at the same time it is the
responsibility of the person to post clearly or clarify
if the initial post is not understood by many in the group.