Received interview letter :D


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My interview is on july 17th. I'm so happy :D I posted this on an old thread I had, but hopefully people will reply to this if it's on it's on thread...I hope you don't mind. I have a few questions:

1) In the list of things I need to bring, it tells me to bring the I-485 (if not already submitted), which we had sent already so we wouldn't have to bring it (I'll bring the copies anyway, but you know what I mean). The confusing part is that in the checklist under the I-485 it says to bring the tax info of the past 3 years from my sponsor. We only submitted the tax info for one year, as we understood that that was the requirement and the additional 2 years were optional.

Does this mean that I should come up with the tax info from the previous 2 years and bring it, is that what they're asking me for? Or is it that they haven't updated the 3-1 year requirement thing for that notice of action? (if I'm not mistaken, the requirement was 3 years before, then changed to 1 year, 3 years optional?) I would assume that since I wasn't RFEd on my original I-485 for more tax info, I don't have to come up with anything extra. But do I?

2) I was wondering if you could post (or link me to) your interview experience. I am very nervous and would like to know what to expect. I am terrified of doing something wrong or forgetting to bring something.

3) This is not really a question, but more like a vent. I tried to get a joint account at a bank (or actually, have my name put in my husband's accounts) and I was treated horribly. The attendants treated me like I had just jumped over the border and like they could call immigration on me to take me away right there or something. I explained to them I had all my paperwork in order, still they were very ignorant and unprofessional, and said that "if they put my name on the account, it would red-flag homeland security and his account would be under investigation". What?! We need a joint account in order to better manage finances, and we'd also like to have one to support our case by the time we go to the interview. We will try and hope we have better luck with a different bank. Have you had any experiences like this? What should I do to make my experience better when we go to another bank?
Oh yes, and another question:

4) I had a work permit in 2003 for 4 months, for a summer job program from university before moving to the US. I did not mention this on my applications because I did not have any supporting documents or the temp. SS# that was given to me, I never thought of saving that stuff back then. Should I bring it up at all, at the interview? Or should I just forget about it, if they haven't asked about it at this point?
I brought those 2 docs you are talking about to my interview too and my Interview Officer said that he needs some other docs that are not already in the files and he also requested for my husband's work letter and his pay stubs as well.

They will need to see joints docs and docs and show your relationship with your husband. Bring it as many as you can.

Your Bank is horrible. I didn't have that problem at all. In fact it was quick and easy! I didn't have the joint account on my interview cos we both have separated account. I thought it was not important (of cos I didn't know that this website existed before my interview). He requested for that and I did it and showed it to him a week later. He didn't seem too pleased cos I was just jointed not long after the interview..but we passed that.