received card finally


Registered Users (C)
After getting a welcome notice email on 28th june and approval email on 30th

I got the Welcome Notice on 30th and Card on 3rd july. As I moved to a new place, I received them both today fedexed by my friend.

Is there anything else I should expect as I guess Welcome Notice itself is the approval notice.

Thanks everyone on the forum. Its been some journey going thru the ups and downs, sharing of the agony waiting for the bulletins, reading diametrically opposite views on issues, the cheerfulness when some one gets an approval, the despair which sets in seeing the forecasts, the habitual checking of the forums, the polls on the likely PD Movements, some great analysis by the old timers, the camaraderie, the helpfulness when somone in need posts a question.... Its all happening here in these forums, so many diverse human emotions on display. I would like to thank for providing us this paltform to share our joys and sorrows in this struggle for the GC.

Finally my quest has ended. My reaction at first was of great relief rather than Joy. But, now it has sinked in, I feel really happy and I wish and pray sincerely for the rest who are still waiting, get to enjoy this feeling sooner than later.