Received 485 approval on December 20

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Shridevi, are you sure about your EAC#? According to, people with ND of 29Sep99, should have an EAC-99-278 and not 99-273.
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AquaLung the receipt # is correct because in my office there is one fellow who has ND of 9/27/99 and his # is eac-992735xxx so I think this possible. By the way he did FP in aug and still waiting
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From your friends example, if he/she has an ND of 9/27 and has eac 99-273, how can someone whose Nd is 2 days later have the same eac?

Don\'t you find it interesting that long time netizens, like yourself, who have been posting here consistently for so long don\'t have any info to post about approvals or FP, while characters like shridevi, who have never posted before start getting approvals, even when their PD is not current?

If you\'d like to know how strict INS is about not approving cases for which PD is not current, check the case for lallisri on the isn board. He applied sometime (i think dec99) when eb3 PD were current for all. After the PD retrogressed, his date wasn\'t current. About 3months back he got a letter from INS saying that his 485 was being revoked, since he applied when the PD was not current. He spent 2months in hell, trying to get his application reinstated. INS finally realized their mistake and CSC has accepted his 485.

Just like this error by CSC in case of lallisri, there will be errors where eb3 cases get approved (and possibly charged to eb2) and there will be eb2 cases which get wrongly classified as eb3. The adjudicating officers are prone to human errors, once in a while.

Moral of the story, it is better not to get too excited by postings like the one made by shridevi. Remember there is no accountability on these message boards, and take such postings with a pinch of salt.
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AquaLung I agree with you but some body just post a msg with sept 21 approval and his or her receipt is eac-992715xx so I don\'t know. but any way this kind of postings keep our hopes alive and nothing else. I am sure there are lots of BS on this board but we use our judgement after long experience in this matter.

By the way I only agree with the receipt # may be right and not the whole approval thing.
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Hanuman, I\'m not trying to dash your hopes (heck i know what you are going through), but think about it this way ... given that PD was current for everyone during aug and sep99, a lot of eb3 would have filed 485, but how many approvals have we seen for eb3 (irrespective of PD)?

Don\'t give up hope, my friend. I\'m sure, someday we are going to look back on this meaningless wait and use it as a stepping stone to handle even tougher situations.
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Shridevi. Can you please double-check your category and PD. So many of us will get benefited. And also "EAC99273yxxxx" can you post digit y too.

Shridevi, We are waiting for her replay.
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vrcs My catagory is EB3 india and priority date is april 98 recipt # is EAC 992737XXXX this is true and not a bogus case
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I beleve your EAC # should be like EAC-99-273-5xxxx.

I am not sure for what type cases they use EAC-99-273-7xxxx.

You are confusing us even more with your postings!!!