Receipt and EAD tracker for Jan-2002


RFE generated (heard on AVM) - 2/13
RFE reached Lawyer - 2/21
RFE response sent to INS - 2/22
INS recieved RFE (AVM) - 2/27
EAD approved (AVM) - 3/12 (2 weeks after INS received the response)
AP also received

MD: 01/30/02
RD: 01/31/02
ND: 02/14/02
EAD App : 03/07/02 (Recd 3/11)
AP App : 03/06/02 (Recd 3/14)
FP Done Early(Mar\'9th) and Recvd by INS on Mar14

NJ - EB2
MD 01/08/02.
RD 01/10/02
ND 01/23/02
AP 02/12/02
EAD(both) 02/21/02 (AVM) (recvd cards a week later)
FP-Hackensack Appt Dt on Notice:04/09/2002(ND for FP:03/01/02-AVM)
Recvd Physical copy of Notices(both) on 03/06/02
Did Early FP on 03/09/02
Called FBI on Mar 11th and Confirmed Receipt of Finger Prints.
Mar 14th - AVM Says : "The result of fp review for your I-485 AOS application was recvd and processing has resumed on this case we will mail a notice if further action is needed or when decision is made ..."

And the agonizing wait continues ...... :-(

-Thanks Guys
anbusivany .. I just showed-up at Hackensack Center and showed them my

receipt & Passport and didnt have to do any explanation. It all depends on the center and the clerks there. Going by some posts in this forum, Newark does not tolerate early FP and gives a hard-time. But its my opinion that even if you have Newark FP appointment you could walk into Hackensack. The way I look at it .. they will ask you to comeback on the posted date. And since they are open on Saturdays its not a big deal to try it out. Matter of a hour + driving ! There will be no bad consequences/remarks or anytihng for going early. Also there is No Gain(Eg: Quickening the GC process) in doing it early other than your own Convenience(schedule-wise)

Call FBI after 1 week . In my case the FBI sent it back in less than 2 days. And INS(VSC) had my FP results in exactly 5 days. So there
is no-need to call FBI ... but the number is 304-625-5590 (option#4
 i think)

Good luck. (hope i didnt bore you with details :)

There is only one small problem...

if you do FP early. FP is valid only for a year. Although we are seeing approvals in less than a year. If for some reason it takes will have to get it done again. So why hurry? There is no advantage, unless you are going out on a long vacation.
Thanks Eternity & rajeshj

Thanks for enlightening me on this topic.

I was thinking that if you do FP earlier it might speed up the GC processing. If that is not the case i will wait for my scheduled date (it is only 2 weeks away)...

Thanks again.
question for those who have done FP

The FP notice specifies a time. Did you go on time? Do you have to go there earlier and stand in a line? Please share your experience.
Thanks in advance..
No FP still

FD 01/04
RD 01/15
EAD and AP received for both

My wife just completed her FP last week and it took about 1 hour in Charlotte. I still do not get a notice for my FP. I called the automated system and it does not mention any FP notice sent for my EAC.

Is anyone in the same situation? Could they use the FP that you sent in for the EAD as a start?

Also I am reading some of the other messages and have seen that in many cases it take about 9 months for this process to be completed. Does anyone know if this is a true average and if we can all expect to be done some time around Sept. Oct.?
