Recd Plastic Cards


Registered Users (C)
I have received the plastic card for myself, wife and daughter

Recevied them in mail on July 16th 2002 but was out of the country for holiday to India.

Came to USA and found them in the mail.

Thanks to all of you for your support.
Congratulations, that's a good news. Hope you guys had a wonderful trip to India. Did you visit all those places your were planning?

time taken to receive plastic cards

we did the I-551 stamp on May 5 2002 and recd the plastic cards around July 16th - We were in India at that time. I had stopped my mail at the post office due to my vacation to India and I went to the post office on my return and got them in the mail.

Our primary goal when we went to India was to visit my relatives and my wifes relatives. Yes - we visited all of them. Also we stopped at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on our way to India and did some sight seeing and some shopping too.

Also our next priority was shopping in India which we completed too.

Now comes the bottom of the totem pole - The numerous restaraunts that we wanted to visit. As that was lowest on our list - we visited 30 percent of our list and then the time had come to return to Los Angeles.

I did get to visit Babul Nath and eat the Pav Bhaji Dosa there.

He has also added a new item to his menu - This is the Chinese Dosa where he uses vegetables cut in the chinese style.

Now currently I am slowly recovering from the jet lag

Guys - Have fun

I hope all you guys get your green card approvals soon.

and good luck...keep visiting the board and keep up the AOS waiters spirit...